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  1. Lumbridge

    Does Anyone Else do This?

    I use some dry, bland, non-aromatic tobacco for this, so no, it doesn't change the flavor. It's important for it to be dry so it can absorb the moisture like a sponge, so it serves more than one purpose. I have some shag cut Ohm Natural RYO stuff I've been using. Works great.
  2. Lumbridge

    Daughters and Ryan

    Two Timer should be a staple of any burley lover's cellar. Wonderful stuff.
  3. Lumbridge

    Penhooker Fans?

    My 5 pounds of Penhooker arrived safe and sound after a bit of a delay. For about $10 w/ free shipping, it was a steal. It's a very nice, mild Virginia, and I'm enjoying it for what it is. Planning on blending with it and experimenting with stoving.
  4. Lumbridge

    Black Cavendish

    Sure, when I want something super mild, a straight BC is a pleasant smoke. I like Smoker's Pride BC because it's about the same as BCA but much cheaper. Most of the time, I want more tobacco flavor than a straight BC can provide.
  5. Lumbridge

    Hack on Pipe Stem

    I would never let household cleaning chemicals anywhere near my pipes. Oils or waxes (such as jojoba oil or carnauba wax) do the job just fine and aren't toxic, nor will they introduce any off-flavors.
  6. Lumbridge

    PAD Is Kicking In

    I really like my Old Dominion Williamsburg clay. Can't go wrong Old German clays either. IMO, smoking a clay isn't all that different from smoking any other type of pipe. Some people put nail polish on the tip of the stem, but I prefer a light coating of wax.
  7. Lumbridge

    One Pound in a Ball Jar

    My general rule is 1 oz of tobacco needs 4 fl oz of jar volume if packed firmly. Less room if the blend is very moist, and more if it's dry.
  8. Lumbridge

    Pipe Smoking & Nicotine Addiction

    It drives me nuts when people say this. I smoke a 2-4 bowls a week usually and will drop it for weeks/months at a time when I'm not feeling like smoking for whatever reason. I've never been addicted to nicotine.
  9. Lumbridge

    Anyone Play Video Games?

    The first one was great. Combat definitely feels more smooth and streamlined in the second game. I'm already looking forward to a second run focusing on archery.
  10. Lumbridge

    Anyone Play Video Games?

    The second game is undoubtedly more refined, but they're both great games and worth playing, especially if the historical aspect appeals to you.
  11. Lumbridge

    Does Anyone Else do This?

    I'm curious if you're planning on smoking the dottle. Personally, I wouldn't. I don't have much dottle to speak of. I tend to fill the very bottom of the bowl with some cheap, less desirable tobacco to act as sacrificial dottle so I don't waste any of my more expensive blend. It does a good job...
  12. Lumbridge

    Anyone Play Video Games?

    I've been glued to Kingdom Come 2 for the past week. What a masterpiece.
  13. Lumbridge

    Farewell Sutliff Tobacco Company - Monday 3/4/25

    RIP Sutliff Match blends. Their clone of Edgeworth RR will be remembered.
  14. Lumbridge

    Filtered Pipes, Love Them? Hate Them?

    I use the 6mm Dr. Grabow filters frequently when I smoke cobs. They work well for absorbing moisture and stopping bits of tobacco from going up the stem, and that's about it. Tried the balsa filters in a cob and didn't find them to be as effective. As for charcoal filters, I tried using them...
  15. Lumbridge

    Advise: Can’t Taste Pipe Tobacco After Chest Infection

    I have been experiencing something similar, though not from any illness that I know of. I can't taste latakia at all, and some other blends have little to no flavor, while I can still taste some others just fine. It also comes and goes seemingly randomly. Very weird.
  16. Lumbridge

    Penhooker Fans?

    Thanks, man. Bagging the bag seems like the easiest way to go. I'm looking forward to experimenting with blending this stuff.
  17. Lumbridge

    Penhooker Fans?

    How do you store these blends? I think the bags are a very thin mylar, but I'm unsure of how they would hold up over the years. It would be a lot to jar up.
  18. Lumbridge

    Penhooker Fans?

    I'll keep checking, then. $2.10 per pound for quality tobacco is a steal. That's got to be less than a penny per bowl.
  19. Lumbridge

    Penhooker Fans?

    You could totally smoke this in a pipe.
  20. Lumbridge

    Penhooker Fans?

    Thanks for the heads up. I've never had this blend before, but I grabbed five bags. Looks like it's just a ribbon cut straight VA with a very light casing, which sounds good to me. Have they been restocking other D&R blends?