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  1. Flatfish

    Double Edged Razor Blades

    Just because it's old, doesn't mean it's worse. This is particularly true for DE razors. A proper brush and soap is probably better for you than the stinky, chemical squirty stuff that people use now. Plus single blades are better for the skin (preventing ingrowing hairs) than multi bladed...
  2. Flatfish

    Double Edged Razor Blades

    Two tips. Soak the beard for about a minute with warm water. Secondly, do not press down with the blade. Lather up and go over it again rather than press down.
  3. Flatfish

    Double Edged Razor Blades

    I have a Gillette Slim, some other Gillette and a single edge Ever Ready 1912 (I think). Different blade suit different people. I didn't like Derby. Feather I felt was really sharp but rough. I settled on Astra which I found to be sharp but smooth. But what suits me might not suit you...
  4. Flatfish

    Trick or Treating: How Old Is Too Old?

    Nobody calls here, and I wouldn't answer the door anyway. My kids have never done it. I remember when I was young, my father was doing something outside, when one of the kids in the village came down the road. "Trick or treat Geraint?" "Bugger off" Splat. He saw the funny side though.
  5. Flatfish

    What are You Reading Now?

    I am over half way. I think it's a good book. I have learnt a lot. First half mostly covers Scott's expedition. The Shackleton part is now starting. These were really tough men, particularly Tom Crean. I can't imagine the present generation with blue hair being of the same calibre.
  6. Flatfish

    New Here, From Finland

    Welcome from Wales.
  7. Flatfish

    A Friendly Hello From Berlin, Germany

    Welcome from Wales.
  8. Flatfish

    What are You Reading Now?

    Great. Thanks. 🤔
  9. Flatfish

    What are You Reading Now?

    Just after posting I noticed the previous couple of posts mention Shackleton. Pure coincidence.
  10. Flatfish

    What are You Reading Now?

    Just started on this book from the library.
  11. Flatfish

    Rugby World Cup. Who's Watching?

    I'm Welsh, but the rugby genes seemed to have passed me by. Haven't seen any of it.
  12. Flatfish

    What's a "Man's Drink"?

  13. Flatfish

    Movies that Make You Cry

    Not a movie, but Deep Space Nine - The Visitor. Jake Sisko devoting his life to rescue his dad. Losing everything including his own life at the end.
  14. Flatfish

    Greetings from Czech Republic

    Gorgeous. Welcome from West Wales. I went to Prague twice by bus when I was in college. 30 hours each way. Nearly killed me. Lovely city.
  15. Flatfish

    Greetings from USA's Oldest city

    Greetings from west Wales. Home of ancient castles. The town where I was born was a Roman town. And near where I live there is the remains of an iron age settlement.
  16. Flatfish

    Hi from London

    Greetings from Wales
  17. Flatfish

    What Would You Like to Still Own from Your Younger Years?

    My red Nissan Almera. Was a write off when I bought it. Purchase and repairs came to £2k. I did well over 100,000 miles in it and other than the normal consumables (tyres, light bulbs etc), it only needed one fuse replacing, and the control knob for the fan had to be changed (as far as I can...
  18. Flatfish

    Do You Still Utilize Your Local Public Library?

    My office was right above the library. So I visited most days. I didn't take a book out each time. But it was a nice break from the office.