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  1. Flatfish

    Double Edged Razor Blades

    I do have some sort of device that strops DE blades. I have never used it, and last time I looked I wasn't convinced the blades were the same size as normal de blades. Will post a photo or video.
  2. Flatfish

    Double Edged Razor Blades

    I used 100 of the box cutter blades in error. But I don't see any difference now that I have the proper ones. Mine isn't a Gem but an Ever Ready. But otherwise it's the same thing. Like you said there is a cutting noise when shaving. Quite satisfying. I find the single edge a little more...
  3. Flatfish

    Double Edged Razor Blades

    Soak the beard in an abundance of warm water. A good minute at least. Don't skimp on this stage. Lather up. Soap or cream with a brush is best. Then using no more than the weight of the razor, shave with the grain. Then lather up and go against the grain. Shave slowly, not like the man in...
  4. Flatfish

    Birthday Presents to Yourself

    I do like the characteristics of Pelikan 4001 ink. Provided they have a colour you like. Fairly dry, but I have noticed much less feathering compared to Diamine on the glorified toilet paper that I normally write on. Not that I dislike Diamine.
  5. Flatfish

    Birthday Presents to Yourself

    It's not my birthday. But I recently purchased some ink. Pelikan 4001 Violet Diamine Sapphire Blue Diamine Writers Blood. It will keep me happy and quiet for months.
  6. Flatfish

    Hello from Maryland

    Welcome from Wales.
  7. Flatfish

    Britain’s "Loneliest Sheep" Rescued 🐑

    That's not true. Most sheep I know are friendly. Beautiful.
  8. Flatfish

    Pipe Appeal videos

    Lovely videos.
  9. Flatfish

    How Many Blends in Your Cellar?

    None Though I do have a box of matches.
  10. Flatfish

    Greetings from Southwest Virginia!

    Greetings from Wales
  11. Flatfish

    Formula 1 (2023)

    This is an awful way to treat the locals especially when they have to put up with all the disruption and noise.
  12. Flatfish

    Formula 1 (2023)

    Good race. Nice to see Aston Martin looking competitive again.
  13. Flatfish

    Formula 1 (2023)

    Sprint race was amazing
  14. Flatfish

    What Foodstuffs Best Define the Place Where You Live?

    Tea Cawl Tregroes Waffles
  15. Flatfish

    My Mother In Law's Funeral Was Today.

    Sorry for your loss
  16. Flatfish

    Opening A Tin? Show Us!

    Thought I knew her for a moment. I have some friends living there.
  17. Flatfish

    Straight Razor?

    DE razors I would recommend personally. A vintage Gillette or a Merkur or similar. But it depends on you. If you can master and maintain a straight then great, fantastic. But they are very sharp. Make sure you are awake and sober when using it.
  18. Flatfish

    Double Edged Razor Blades

    I have tried the various settings on my Gillette Slim. But I find I can get a perfectly good shave on setting one. Plus there is less blood. None at all generally. Just have a light touch, no pressure. Then lather up and go over it again, maybe from a different direction.
  19. Flatfish

    Double Edged Razor Blades

    As much as I love traditional things, the straight razor is just a step too far for me. Being half asleep, with misted up glasses, and trying to manouvere a blade towards my neck.... 😧
  20. Flatfish

    Double Edged Razor Blades

    You have now. I use one. Or at least an Ever Ready which is identical. One box of 100 blades did say "for industrial use only" but I thought that was cool. My new box doesn't say that, so perhaps I was shaving for 10 years with the wrong type.