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  1. Flatfish

    Most Popular Pipe?

    Do Falcon sell many?
  2. Flatfish

    Most Popular Pipe?

    Sorry, been away. Parameters. Good idea. Let's say briar. Last ten years.
  3. Flatfish

    Most Popular Pipe?

    You are probably right. Which model though? Legend perhaps.
  4. Flatfish

    Most Popular Pipe?

    What is the most sold pipe? Make and model.
  5. Flatfish

    Hello from SW Missouri

    Greetings from Wales.
  6. Flatfish

    Aloha from Wisconsin

    Greetings from Wales. Home of dragons, castles and legends. And sheep. Beautiful.
  7. Flatfish

    You Know You've Been on the Forum for Too Long When...

    You Know You've Been on the Forum for Too Long When... Flatfish starts giving YOU advice.
  8. Flatfish


    Greetings from Wales
  9. Flatfish

    How often...

    Generally never. But I do have a Roman amphitheatre 30 minutes away, and an even older Iron Age Fort just down the road. They make our 13th Century Castles feel rather modern
  10. Flatfish

    New Neighbours

    My work colleague has sheep. She said it costs 50p per sheep to pay someone to shear them. You have to also buy a bag to hold all the fleeces. This is fairly expensive. However you get far less than 50p when you sell them. So it's cheaper to burn the fleece than it is to sell it for wool...
  11. Flatfish

    New Neighbours

    I think so. Not 100% sure.
  12. Flatfish

    New Neighbours

    They are quiet. Keep their place tidy.
  13. Flatfish

    Looking For a New Pepper Grinder.

    I just turn the knob and pepper comes out. I have never thought about it.
  14. Flatfish

    Over 500 Posts

    As a Christian, I have all eternity to take it up. Plus in heaven it will be cheaper and healthier. I might even open a shop. 😀 But no plans to take it up at the moment. If I do, you will all be the first to know.
  15. Flatfish

    Over 500 Posts

    Quite a surprise, I have just over 500 posts. I'm not quite sure what I bring to this forum in those 500 posts, but it is a joy to be here. And you are all very nice people. Live long, and prosper.
  16. Flatfish

    Greetings from Germany

    Welcome from Wales.
  17. Flatfish

    Hello from Greece

    Greetings from not so sunny Wales.
  18. Flatfish

    Hello from Denmark!

    Greetings from about 4674 miles north east of Texas
  19. Flatfish

    The Love of Sports or the Lack Thereof

    I like Formula 1. My favourite team was Benetton. I was gutted when they finished. The cars were usually so pretty. Even as late as 1994 they looked good and were pretty much the only team with that raised nose. Just look at them. Made a little boy happy for a few years between 1989 and 1994...
  20. Flatfish

    Hello from the United Kingdom

    Greetings from Wales.