Completely understood and agreed; however, the same Government who instituted these new 'Save the Keiki' Tobacco measures, also immediately supplied the "Ready $olution"... Simply bend-over and pay the the newly offered "License Fee" to The Man with his hand in your tobacco jar.
You won't be breaking any laws, and, all without having to look for a solution - as the Problem and the Solution were provided by the same group at the same time - talk about Government Efficiency! - And, who coincidentally just happen to be on the receiving end of those newly invented Retail Tobacco License Regulations and Fees.
No, no, no need to "talk bad about about the Government", just talk Factually and Logically, any 'bad' will speak for itself.
Oh, and... don't forget to "Save the Keiki" - whom I never once saw smoking pipe tobacco nor a tobacco pipe the entire time I lived in Hawaii; and, doubt I will ever see a yearly list of the actual names of any 'Keiki' who were "protected" by the institution of these licence fees on Retailers - but, you can be sure there will be a yearly list of Retailers who need to "Pay Up" every year.
- Sherm - Calls 'em Like he sees 'em - Natman