I’m thinking we need to print up some stickers to put on tins before shipping:
View attachment 227897
Wow, as silly as that sounds, and I wasn’t sure if you were joking or serious, but for tins, this could work, as long as the tins don’t leak and let out smell.
If someone opens a box and sees various products labeled as such, seriously, I don’t see that anyone would stop and say, oh, this is an illegal product disguised.
People don’t think this way, unless something looked extremely odd, and with professionally created labels off of a computer that stick on, they won’t look suspicious.
Seriously, for members here, living in states not allowing shipping, and members will ship to, this would assume if you could do this, offer a sticker service, sending out to the sender to place on the tins.
Of course, charge for your time, I would gladly pay for this, hopefully paying for a few stickers and postage wouldn’t be to expensive.
I’d rather be safe than sorry, and not take a chance over this sort of government stupidity.
I hope you’ll consider it.
P.S. I’m ready to order some Baby Mariah’s Butt! LOL