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4 Fresh Tom Eltang Pipes
12 Fresh Musico Pipes
2 Fresh Scott Klein Pipes
9 Fresh Castello Pipes
3 Fresh Becker Pipes

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  1. DollarStoreChili

    Today at the shop

    That pipe looks comfy to hold.
  2. DollarStoreChili

    Is This Crazy, or What?

    Where are you buying from? I bought a 7oz can of SWRA from pipes and cigars and it was roughly $2.40 an ounce. Even taking away the sale price I don't think it goes as high as $4.00 an ounce in that site.
  3. DollarStoreChili

    Thinking about puffing

    When work slows down I spend a lot of time at my desk. This inevitably leads me to cruising the interwebs and window shopping all kinds of pipes and tobacco without ever pulling the trigger on them. I only average about a bowl a day and I already have more tobacco than I could smoke in a year...
  4. DollarStoreChili

    If You Could Have Only One...

    My Boswell sitter pipe. It's the only really good briar I have. It's medium sized and smokes great, much better than my cobs (I always have trouble with those, but they're great for learning or experimenting due to their low cost). The rest of my briars are giant estates I bought on a whim or...
  5. DollarStoreChili

    Filter Or No Filter?

    I find they tone down the flavor too much for my liking. I'm a beginner and I don't need help in that department!
  6. DollarStoreChili

    Soulless Tobacco Containers.

    I see a "grrrr scary big tobacco is coming for your kids" billboard on my way to work every day. I'll continue scoffing every time I see it until there's a "soda companies are making your kids fat" sign parked right next to it.
  7. DollarStoreChili

    Help a Fella Out with Burley

    I'll always have a place in my heart for amphora burley. It's the first blend I was able to taste something other than hot air and ashtray. Plus it makes my mustache smell like coconut!
  8. DollarStoreChili

    I Finally Tried Some Lane 1Q.

    Your experience mirrors my own. I've come full circle and happily slug down keystone light while doing yard work or watching movies. I'm skipping the process hopefully with tobacco by investing heavily in codger and medium priced blends. Not that there's anything wrong with the really good...
  9. DollarStoreChili

    I Finally Tried Some Lane 1Q.

    The recent kerfuffle with bud light has me noticing something. People are lining up around the block to advertise that they've never drank that nasty old pisswater anyways (meaning American macrobrew in general). Personal taste is one thing, but It's odd to me to watch legions of people my own...
  10. DollarStoreChili

    Small is Beautiful ?

    I have two mm pony express cobs. The bowl is a little too narrow to pack anything complicated in, at least for me. Just last night I found the best packing method is the codger scoop with finely cut tobacco. Anything more complex leaves me with an overly packed pipe that won't smoke well, but...
  11. DollarStoreChili

    Does my Briar Pipe really Need Resting ?

    I'm still new and have only one expensive briar pipe from Boswell. I'll let that rest a day between smokes just out of beginner caution (I smoke hot, fast, and wet). I have a smattering of cobs that I beat the tar out of, and really only rest them until they're cool.
  12. DollarStoreChili

    Washing Mason Jars?

    Whether washed by hand or dishwasher I always let my jars air out for a few days to let the detergent smell air out before putting anything in them. I've washed all my new jars before using.
  13. DollarStoreChili

    Small vs. Wide/Big bowl

    What brand and model are those?! That shape looks like it sits great in the hand
  14. DollarStoreChili

    ***What Are You Smoking, May 2023?***

    Last night was amphora burley in this lovely bent brandy (?) sitter from JM Boswell. Tonight was half and half in a MM country gentleman.
  15. DollarStoreChili

    Aromatics With a Little Extra

    Hello all, I'll leave the main question up top with extra information down below for those that care to read. Thanks in advance for any guidance and please pardon greenhorn mistakes. Question: Does anyone have recommendations for aromatics "with a little extra"? Blends that are primarily...
  16. DollarStoreChili

    15 Year Anniversary Gift From my Wife

    The coloring over time is going to look great on the basket carving. Is that an alternate stem? Edit: that's one fancy tamper!
  17. DollarStoreChili

    Packing a Pipe

    I'm very green as well, roughly one year smoking. I've never been able to wrap my head around any method other than the 3 step. The rest seem too complicated, glad you found one that works for you
  18. DollarStoreChili

    As a Perique Lover, I Wish I Still Drank!

    From what I read online it sounds like a sweetend scotch. Sounds rare though so it's probably expensive.
  19. DollarStoreChili

    Excellent Pipe Conversation!

    I've watched that channel off and on but not this particular video. As an aside: being from a northern state I find that guy's accent intoxicating
  20. DollarStoreChili

    Why do We Smoke Pipes?

    My grandfather died a couple of summers ago. I realized he was the only person I've ever known to smoke a pipe, and I thought that was a shame. Last year on the anniversary of his death I decided to carry on the tradition of pipe smoking in his memory. He was never anywhere without a pipe...