Let Freedom Ring

Fred Brown Here is the issue: What do smoking pipes and the Federalist Papers (first known as simply Federalist) have in common? Some of the finest minds of the 18th […]

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A Game of Tins

E. Roberts Call me a misanthrope, but "All Men Must Die" is an infinitely more appealing tagline than "Winter Is Coming". If living in the Northeast has taught me anything, […]

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Random Ruminations

Russ Ouellette I used the word "ruminations" in the title of this piece. The word begins with "rum". Coincidence? I think not. To give you some insight into the way […]

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Ask G. L. Pease (Volume 35)

G. L. Pease Spring is here, it seems. My chiles are sprouting in my makeshift hot house, though it’s not been warm enough for them, and their growth is slow. […]

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Ashes to Ashes

G. L. Pease Over the years or decades that some of us have been pipe smokers, we’ve seen blends come, and more often go. For a variety of reasons, many […]

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It Depends on How You Look at It

Russ Ouellette Is there more art or science to the pipe smoking pastime? At least from one perspective, I’m sure that it’s leaning towards art. In my mind, one of […]

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That Old Black Magic – HH Old Dark Fired

E. Roberts Spring is nearly sprung, or at least I sincerely hope so. With a couple of warmish days in a row (if you can consider temps in the mid-forties […]

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The Six Million Dollar Smoke: Lane Crown Achievement

E. Roberts “The question everyone has is: Will the old Lane blends come back? If I have anything to do with it (and it’s kind of my job), the answer […]

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The Nose Knows

Russ Ouellette The olfactory sense is linked to memory more strongly than, perhaps, any of the other four. As an example of what I mean, think about this- how many […]

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Play Misty For Me

E. Roberts No, this won’t be a review of the 1971 Clint Eastwood film—rather, it’s a thriller of a different sort. By the time this goes to press, Vincent Manil’s […]

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