Cornell & Diehl #066 Star of the East – Pipe Tobacco Reviews

  By Bob Tate The pouch aroma of this blend is a nice sweet and smoky aroma with a very light tang. The moisture content is on the dry side, […]

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Balkan Sasieni Pipe Tobacco Review

Balkan Sasieni is kind of an almost famous tobacco … sort of. It’s name implies (and many have suggested, and others have disagreed) that it may be a substitute for […]

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The Basics of Tobacco Blending

by Russ Ouellette A lot of people have contacted me over the years about learning how to blend tobaccos, and, in fact, we have been considering doing some two day […]

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Hearth & Home Ten to Midnight – Pipe Tobacco Reviews

  By Bob Tate The pouch aroma of this blend is a smoky and semi-sweet smell with a hint of a tang to it. It smells quite nice. The moisture […]

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Common Misconceptions About Pipe Tobacco

by Russ Ouellette As with just about any subject, there are a lot of common fallacies about pipe tobaccos and how they’re made. It’s a shame, really, as, through the […]

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G.L. Pease Chelsea Morning Pipe Tobacco Review

As soon as I open the tin, put my nose inside and inhale deeply, a smile lights up across my face. The delicious smoky Cyprian Latakia comes out first followed […]

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Just for Him Shortcut to Mushrooms – Pipe Tobacco Reviews

  By Bob Tate [*Editors Note: I do not know for certain what tobaccos are in this blend and am making a guess based on what I see and taste […]

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G.L. Pease Fillmore – Pipe Tobacco Reviews

  By Bob Tate The tin aroma of this blend is slightly sweet and very tangy with a hint of plums. There is also a note of, what I can […]

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Tobacco and Beverage Pairings

By Russ Ouellette A favorite pipe and a treasured tobacco can be wonderful companions, and they’re often enhanced by the presence of a nice beverage, but we often don’t give […]

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Sutliff Private Stock Pipe Tobacco Blends

The Sutliff Private Stock Pipe Tobacco brand has been around for over 160 years. During the recent Chicago Pipe Show, Altadis unveiled several new blends that have at least one […]

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