
An endless rabbit hole.Tobacco is like the Pokemon craze: Gotta catch'em all!

An endless rabbit hole.Tobacco is like the Pokemon craze: Gotta catch'em all!
Well, I can maybe use this to explain to my wife that I haven’t scratched the surface… and that it’s an investmentSitting on about 130 lbs with over 150 different blends. I like variety. The main reason I started is because I listened to old sages like Sable and cigarmaster. They kept pointing out that the prices now and this was in 2013 will never go down and/or they may not be available anymore. Then I figured out by watching pipestud's website that if I didn't like a certain blend after 5 years of age I could sell it for double to quadruple the price of what I paid for it. Glad I listened cause I'm sitting on a crap load of McClelland and other blends that are no longer being made. Back in those days you could get stuff from McCllelland that already had five years on it.
That's as long as it's still legal to privately sell and ship. The last three boxes I sent out either disappeared into the ether or like one I got a notification for, "Destroyed in Transit".and that it’s an investment
no joke???? dang - is that in the states?That's as long as it's still legal to privately sell and ship. The last three boxes I sent out either disappeared into the ether or like one I got a notification for, "Destroyed in Transit".
LOVELY Tolkien Collection!I have only been smoking pipes for a relatively short while, in that I started a ways back, stopped, then resumed it again recently. So far I have only got a little collection of tobacco, but I thought I'd share it with you here. As you can see, my little collection is primarily made up of Peterson tobaccos. I do very much look forward to expanding my options in the near future!!!
Capstan Blue was one of the earlier flakes I tried and it's still memorable. I'd definitely have no problem having lots of it around.Thanks cwpiperman! Yes, as you can tell, I'm quite an avid Tolkien fan and I love the slipcased hardback editions. Believe me, as expensive as tobacco is here in Australia, these Tolkien books definitely dip quite deeply into your wallet as well!! Having said that, both are eminently worth it in my humble view. I believe Tolkien smoked primarily Capstan Blue (?), which I've never tried before. What are others' views on Capstan Blue?