The First Pax Virtual Tobacco Crawl - August 2014August Crawl Schedule
Friday August 1: Old Dark Fire (Sponsor/Critic:misterlowercase)
Friday August 8: Nuns (Sponsor: (Sponsor/Critic: Pax and Rsuninv)
Friday August 15: Jacknife plug) (Sponsor/Critic: Linconbark)
Friday August 23: Peterson Perfect Plug (Sponsor/Critic: catyrpelius)
The Smoking Texan will host a realtime, online kickoff meeting 9pm tex time. (Tex, does your handle refer to your habit or do your self perception of your physique? :laughat:
Some crawlers have chosen to wait until the kickoff date before cracking their tins. Others may smoke the blend in advance, so as to have comment ready for the start date. The choice is up to you.
I do think it would be helpful if the sponsor critiques (those who nominated the blends) could chime in for the Friday kickoff of their blends. (BTW, we're inventing nomenclature as we go. Feel free to toss in your ideas.)