cmdrmcbragg, I would prefer to keep the crawl accounting, logistics and operations as simple as possible. One of the key ideas was to avoid the logistics involved in cigar passes and box passes. In the crawl, everyone is responsible for their own acquisitions and logistics. This avoids some of the aggravation in passes, which I prefer to avoid like the plague.
On the other hand, how each crawl member obtains his samples is his business. If some of you want to share tins on the side, it is a free country. But I would prefer you organize the shares by using Private Messages to organize tin sharing, or perhaps use another thread. God forbid any problems but I wouldn't want any fallout affecting the crawl.
Is that cool? If you do decide to proceed with tin sharing, I would certainly suggest letting the PM staff know what you were going to do first. I wouldn't want to po our hosts.