No I never tried VaPer blends
Oh no! You have another World of great tabac to try!

I use to really love English and Aromatics, until I discovered VaPers, but like so many people, depending on our mood, I certainly smoke these and other blends as well.
But for now I’m on the VaPer Trail!
Here’s an article SPC did on Perique.
A Closer Look at Perique |
Perique is an incredibly versatile blending component and one of the most interesting and complex types of tobacco.

Perique can be spicy for palette and nose, so depending on your sensitivity, if any, you might want it light.
If others see this, I’m sure they’ll be here with their favorites to share, in the meantime here are a few.
Some of these are Seasonal, Limited, or hard to come by, but if anything catches your eye, and it’s not around, there’s always hope of possibly being able to get some here on the Forum Sale/Trade section.
Sutliff - Cringle Flake (Seasonal)
updating via yoast

Watch City - Rouxgaroux (Seasonal)
updating via yoast

Ken Byron Ventures aka KBV - Verge Engine Overdrive (Limited)
updating via yoast

The Country Squire - 50th Anniversary
updating via yoast

I just bought one tin of The Country Squire - 50th Anniversary, this is really nice, and a lighter introduction into VaPer, and @jiminks gave it a really nice review.
He’s the resident Tongue Expert around here.
The Country Squire Website

The Country Squire 50th Anniversary Tin - The Country Squire Tobacconist
A full-bodied treat celebrating The Country Squire's 50th Anniversary in the heart of the Deep South. This blend features high-grade, mature Virginia tobaccos paired with peppery St. James Perique. The mixture is then pressed and gently sliced into cakes, offering spicy and sweet notes...

My Review
The Country Squire - 50th Anniversary Tobacco :: Pipe Tobacco Reviews
I noticed there hasn’t been any discussion on this tobacco, which made me first think, if there’s not much talk, then that must be telling you something, as in, not worth it. I’m glad I wasn’t listening to that thought in my head, and made the dive and bought one tin...
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