After some time reading the forum, finally I decided to register and I will try to participate more and more

I'm from Spain, actually I live in Saint Petersburg (Russia). I never smoked cigarettes, sometimes cigars and I tried few years back pipe smoking and stop after 10 bowls... Maybe the problem was that I started with aromatic tabacco and the tongue bite was not for me. I gave all my pipes (4), tabacco and more to my brother-in-law.
Now that the summer is coming, I decided to give another try. So here is what I've bought to get ready.
First I saw some videos and read some reviews about lighters and decided to buy this one... I guess many of you know about this old boy
Also I've bought this tabacco
In the shop where I've bought it they only have 100 grams tins of Frog Morton, so I bought it. Price in Russia is not good for these tabacco's... I paid double comparing with USA price, but it's ok.
What about the pipe? Yes, also I've got a pipe. I've bought a custom made by Scott Hudson, pipe will arrive soon. Waiting for the currier maybe during this week,
Now I'm talking with another maker to make my second pipe. Yes, I know... I didn't start smoking and I'm already buying many things, hehehe. But the second pipe will be different, apple shape, but the finish and colors something completely different.
Well, I have many questions and I know that I can find all the answers in the forum, so I will start searching. My main question now is, I will smoke Frog Morton Cellar in both pipes and see where I like it more, then I will leave the pipe for this tabacco... Is that correct? But should I leave the pipe just for one tabacco or I can smoke others? As I said, I will start searching in the forum to find the answers
Thank you for taking your time reading my message.