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Nov 12, 2014
Greetings from the land of cheesesteaks (Philly-area)! Joined up over the summer last year and forgot I even did. Then I remembered and decided since I'm really getting into piping more (I was mainly a cigar person up until last summer), I should probably get on here. Been smoking a pipe for about a year and a half now, and I think now that the initial (always room for more, thankfully) PAD is over some TAD will kick in soon.

Feb 6, 2015
Welcome ericberk & historygeek!
@ericberk - Great story about your father. He sounds like an incredible person. My father is the reason I started smoking a pipe. The pipe making school sounds awesome. I will have to check it out.
@historygeek - Philadelphia is my homeland. I was born about an hour outside of Philly and spent the first 9 years of my life there. I love Philly and still have lots of family there. Best cheese steaks too!



Can't Leave
Feb 4, 2015
Hi All!
I found my way over here when shut down.
I look forward to chatting with you all.



Feb 11, 2015
Hello everyone,
My name is Jon and I have been smoking a pipe for about 4 years now. I live in Ontario Canada. I've been known to swing by here unregistered and lurk and felt it was time to join in and chat with my fellow pipe smoking kin.
Veteran. Sailor. Diver. Tower Rigger. HomeBrewer. Pipe Smoker. Bushcrafter. Husband. Father.



Feb 12, 2015
Hello Everyone!

My name is Drew and I have just started smoking my pipe. I am 29 years old avid fan of the smell and taste of pipe tobacco and cigars.. I am eager to learn more of pipes everyday. I only have a Dr. Grabow Omega right now but I will slowly get some more. Always looking for advice when it comes to pipes and cigars.
Thanks for reading



Can't Leave
Feb 11, 2015
Hello everyone,
My name is Mike and I currently live in Yorktown VA. I am a Marine of 19+ years and I have only been indulging in the pipe a little over 4 years now. I will say that out of my many hobbies this is by far my favorite. I look forward of being on this site to gain the knowledge and advise that many of you will give.



Feb 14, 2015
Hello Everyone!

My name is Antonio. I am a new member from Brighton UK. Originally I am from Cartagena Spain, but I have been living in the UK for 2 years now.

I am smoker of pipe tobacco since 10 years ago.

I hope to learn with you and spend a good time.

Feb 13, 2015
Greeting and Salutations,
I'm a confirmed Gawith Hoggarth & Co. smoker: Kendal Dark Flake and Shag, Black Irish Sliced, Kendal Kentucky and Coniston Cut Plug. I also dabble in a few of the Daughters & Ryan blends. I found this site researching tobacco laws for Washington State. I also found the podcast and enjoyed the interview with the man from D&R.



Feb 15, 2015
Hello everyone,,, I'm fairly new to pipes,,, have been a cigar guy for years. I found an old Savinelli pipe at a flea market a few months ago and, mostly out of curiosity, bought it and set out to give it a proper restoration. While researching how to restore my Sav, I found pipesmag and have been hooked ever since. All the great info and the welcoming and accepting folks in the forums were too much to pass up, I had to join in.
So,, here I am. I now have a nice restored Sav and a new MM Missouri Pride corn cob that I just can't put down. Thanks PipesMag for giving us pipe enthusiasts a place to congregate. I'm honored to be part of such a great group of people!!



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 18, 2014
Bloomfield, IN
Hi all, I posted a question a couple weeks ago that I got a some great feedback from. I figured I'd go ahead and introduce myself. I found an old pipe (Cesare Barontini bulldog, I think) in a box of stuff that I inherited from my dad about 8 months ago. So I was talking to buddy that smokes a pipe and he gave me a new bag of some Admirals Choice Vanilla Cavendish to get started. I do like cigars, but they're kind of expensive, so I figured I might like this too. Now I'm hooked on puffing the pipe weed. I've tried several different types (mostly ordered online). My palette is not quite as refined as most of yours, but I'm sure that will come in time. Right now I seem to prefer aromatics. I went to the Briar & Burley a while back and splurged and bought some Sam Gawith "Squadron Leader" and a new Bjarne Viking pipe. My 1st impression upon opening the tin, is that it smells like an old shoe (kind of leathery). It smoked ok, kinda spicy at 1st, wouldn't stay lit very well, maybe I'll dry it more next time. I'm gonna stick to what I know for now. The good news is that my new pipe smokes great. This seems like a very friendly forum and a good place to learn a thing or two, I look forward to many new friendships.



Feb 13, 2015
Hello all.
After months as a lurker, I finally dropped the hammer on joining because I found a discussion I just couldn't keep my nose out of! By way of a little background, I have smoked a pipe on and off since I was so young I couldn't do it in public without looking like a complete goofball. Sort of a closet piper, I guess, as a change of pace from a terrible cig addiction. A couple years ago I picked it up again in earnest, and started roving way away from my traditional part-time mainstays (CH/Capt. Black mixed 50/50 and Prince Albert). I now enjoy a wide variety of tobaccos, and am always interested in trying new ones. To use a phrase I discovered on this forum, my PAD is pretty bad, too. Here is an overdue thank you to the forum members for a lot of excellent advice, information, and entertainment, as well as a sense of cameradie I didn't know you could have with people you have never met!



Might Stick Around
Feb 16, 2015
After some confusion from my first few posts I'm going to give a proper introduction
I am a 20 year old man who likes to laugh and make jokes about things that happen to me. I live with my grandpa now after having to sell a house he had bought for my mother so I wouldn't have to live in a bad neighborhood. He has since gotten very ill and is still having trouble with losing my mom to a rare bome cancer. I live with them not only because it is convenient to him but because he needs me here to help take care of him. I help him with errands, I do all the yard work and upkeep on the house and help him get around when his legs don't want to work. In the freetime I do get I volunteer at the animal shelter and occasionally the homeless shelter when I am able to. I have tattoos my first ones were the bible verse in my moms funeral and my mothers maiden name which my grandpa also has on his arm anden in my family have been getting since before electric tattoo machines were invented. I respect and love my grandfather very much and will help anyone who needs help because that's how he raised me if you all still think I'm a tool or a disrespectful spoiled brat well then that's your opinion and you're untitled to it, I can't change you're minds. I hope there will be some people who understand my humor. Have a good day everyone



Feb 11, 2015
Hi all,
30 years old, wife and 3 kids, a network engineer by profession, smoked cigarettes for 12 years and last month switched to pipes. Love it far more than the cigs, better tasting, smelling and looks damn nice.



Feb 21, 2015
Switched to pipes from cigarettes about 7 or so years ago. Took a bit of a break for the past few years and really missed the relaxing aspects of pipe smoking. I have returned now and noticed it's taking some time to get the hang of things again, but slowly and surely getting back to the relaxation I've been missing.

Sep 26, 2014
I am a 36 y.o. wife and mother of three that joined in Sept but didn't quite know how to use this sight, got busy, didn't come back till now. Found this sight while looking for a woman's pipe group. I found "WOMEN OF THE BRIAR" but they apparently aren't excepting new members or their sight was down. I usually get along just fine with men any way. My first husband smoked a pipe after he was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. I dabbled with pipes then but put his pipe away after he died. Late summer last year, 12 years later, I picked his pipe up again and my wonderful husband now encouraged it...anything to help me relax from business, homeschool, small hobby farm, and three children. I now have several of my own pipes and tobaccos. Not too many people I can relate with when it comes to pipes so I thought I would start here. Would like a few friends to share this hobby with.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 22, 2015
Dunedin, NZ
Started smoking a pipe last year and between here and YT found a lot of helpful advice for newbies. I'm currently a PhD student living in Dunedin, New Zealand. Yet to see anyone else smoke a pipe here in NZ though someone stopped and chatted to me the other day who had smoked in the past. My avatar is of my favourite local coffee shop where I enjoy a smoke from time to time. Slowly acquiring pipes and tobaccos and finding I'm a lover of Syrian Latakia Balkans and full bodied englishes. I guess I should like the latter as I'm originally English myself.



Feb 25, 2015
Hello everyone,
so I have been going on this site for a while and I must say I totally love this place :)

Been smoking pipes for 2 months now and before that I smoked cigs..

Hopefully I will not smoke cigarettes again and stay with the pipes as they are much more better.



Might Stick Around
Feb 25, 2015
I have dabbled in pipe smoking on and off for a long time. I was into the hobby more seriously a decade ago and just recently decided to get my pipes out of storage. Glad to see there is a lot more online pipe resources now, this site especially.



Feb 25, 2015
Hello All,
New to pipe smoking and the forum.

Been smoking cigs for around 40 years.

Still do but now it's about 2 packs a week instead of a day.

Hope to learn a lot more about pipes and tobacco here.



Feb 25, 2015
Good day! I have been smoking pipes on and off for two years, and really enjoy it. I am starting to dabble in the online world of pipe smokers, this is my first forum. I am an EMT, and will be starting Paramedic school in the fall.


Dylan (emtpiper)

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