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Might Stick Around
Jan 9, 2017
Hello from the southern Ohio hills of northern Appalachia. I am back to pipes again after a five-year hiatus. I like English and Balkan blends, and quarter-bent Dublins and freehands which I build myself, using kits from Mark Tinsky. Current favorites are McClelland Scottish Woods, H&H Black House, Dunhill 965 and London Mixture, FM Across the Pond and SPC Plum Pudding.

I am a Navy vet, ex-oilfield hand and retired educator with three grown kids and nine grandkids, and share a small cottage in the woods on a creek with my lovely bride, four rescued terriers and God-knows-how-many cats.

I found this site and forum while searching for perspectives on Danish freehand design considerations. While I have not yet found that, I have found a wealth of information on many other pipe smoking-related interests.

For now, I'll be reading while enjoying a bowl with a wee dram of The Dalmore, and occasionally perhaps finding something useful to add to the conversation.



Might Stick Around
Jan 4, 2017
Greetings everyone!
I've been lurking a looong time and soaking up everyones knowledge but finally decided to start an account and 'pipe' up. My father passed away a few years ago and while going through some of his things we found his long forgotten tobacco pipe. He came to Ontario, Canada from Poland and brought the pipe with him, an old Big Ben Populair, but quit smoking all together sometime when I was too young to remember so we all forgot the pipe even existed. After I cleaned it up a little I decided to give it a try, it felt like one of the few ways left to remain connected to him.
Several visits to the B&M in town and here I am enjoying this wonderful new hobby. Found the site while trying to learn and it felt like a wonderful place to share thoughts and experiences from the pipe world, especially since in North America pipes seem uncommon and finding a friend to smoke or talk with isn't easy.



Jan 12, 2017
Hello from the chilly North! been smoking for about a week and a half. Enjoying it greatly. I have a corncob and Dr. Grabow.

Came from the world of vaping and am looking forward to the great camaraderie of this forum. I switched because I have always liked the smell of a pipe and vaping wasn't doing much for me.



Dec 5, 2016
Hello! It will be no surprise that my name is Thomas.
I joined the forum last December but didn't notice this introduction thread at the time.
So here goes. I live in British Columbia, Canada in the Greater Vancouver district.
My pipe smoking goes back to the late 1980s while in University, but it really became a hobby in 1993 when I was ~ 28-29. I started with two cobs and smoked mostly aromatics at first for about a year; then I bought a brace of Peterson pipes (one of which I still smoke) and at the same time, I began trying out non-aromatic tobaccos on the advice of a clerk who heard me complaining about wetness and too much sweetness in my aromatic smoking. Since 1994, I have been exploring the world of pipes and different tobaccos; but in the time reading in this forum, I've read about many of which I didn't know before. I enjoy learning...
Accordingly I look forward to learning more here and sharing my experience as is appropriate.



Jan 18, 2017
I'm Dan. Longtime cigar and cigarette smoker that has had in interest in pipes for a while, but never sealed the deal. Well, ordered a Missouri Meerschaum the other day and looking forward to trying it out tomorrow.
Outside of that I'm a journalist and newspaper managing editor. I'm the host of a podcast that covers geekery, entertainment, and pop culture for my area of Louisiana. I'm also an avid gamer and reader/writer.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 24, 2017
Fort Polk, LA
Hello all, I bought my first pipe on my 18th birthday at the end of 2016 and have been lurking on this site for a while and I thought it was time to join. I did most of my research on this site before I went out and bought my first pipe so thank you all.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 18, 2016
tg51: since you're so much younger than most of us old farts, what attracted you to the pipe? Just wondering.

Welcome to the "club".



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 24, 2017
Fort Polk, LA
Downinit: it's something that I've always been interested in since I was much younger. I watched my dad smoke cigars and I wanted something similar but that also was more involved and more personal. When I was a few months away from turning 18 the desire amplified so I decided to try it and now it's something I really enjoy.

Jan 21, 2017
Hello everyone, I recently decided to pick up the pipe. I haven't ever been a cigarette smoker, but I always loved the smell of pipes so I wanted to give it a shot. My brother and I made an afternoon of driving around to different "tobacco shops" looking for some Missouri Meerschaum pipes. After driving around for an hour or so we finally called a shop and asked if they carried corncob pipes and were told that they did, so we drove over to find Chinese cobs being sold for ridiculous prices. Accepting defeat we got back in the car and decided to go find something to eat. I did another google search for corncob pipes and Walgreens was the top result. I checked the Walgreens website and it showed that a Walgreens about 3 minutes away had 2 Missouri Meerschaum pipes in stock. We figured it was a mistake, but headed to the Walgreens anyway. There, behind the counter were two Missouri Meerschaum Legends in the card stock blister packs for 6 dollars each. We immediately bought them and headed to the first cigar shop we had stopped at that had tobacco, but no pipes. We got an ounce each of 3 different aromatic blends. We ended up walking around and smoking the pipes in the cold after we ate some pizza. It is pretty funny that after looking at all of the "tobacco shops" in the area we ended up finding the pipes at a drug store. I liked the aromatic blends, but I ended up picking up an ounce of Dunhill 965 at a cigar shop near my work. It was an amazing blend. So much more flavor than the bulk aromatics I initially tried. I went home and ordered 5oz of Fireworks from P&C on clearance and now I am deciding which blends I want to try next. I am looking forward to exploring this hobby further.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 16, 2014
Hello from Texas Boys and Girls,
Never been a big poster on forums. Was pretty much a lurker on Smokers Forums since I found it. Have monitored other forums including this one off and on.
I have a collection of 45 pipes or so. About a 3rd are what I consider an actual collection. I collect pipes that bear any Walt Disney markings and had the pleasure to meet Brian Levine at the KC pipe show a few years back. He started the FB page dedicated to Walt Disney tobacco related products after. He was gracious enough to allow me to showcase my small collection there. The others range from a few no names on up to Dunhill, Talbert and Prevost.
I took a break from pipes for awhile and REALLY got into cigars. Monte #2s would have to be my favorite when I can get them. A big fan of My Father, Camacho, Diesl and La Perla.
Pipe Tobacco wise, I like English blends predominately. I have been a home brewer for several years and am a fan of anything craft brewed. I am a vet of the US Air Force and had the privilege to travel the world while serving. Since then I have taught 3rd graders. Married to a teacher with 3 great kids and live in the North Dallas area.

Feb 2, 2017
Hello everyone!

I'm a new member from Italy!

My name is Daniele Vallesi.

I'm not very good at speaking English, I hope to understand everything that we write.

See you soon and good to smoke and all!

Feb 6, 2017
So it begins...

My name is Tim. I've been smoking a pipe since about 1977. I count that as the beginning because it was around then that I borrowed ( stole ) a Kaywoodie from my grandfather's pipestand so I could run off and hide in the local high school field to smoke some Old Port pipe tobacco. My overwhelming memory of the experience is the feeling of taking the top layer off of my tongue, and almost creating a brushfire under the grandstand.
I've gained experience and practice since then, and actually managed to work in the industry for two decades since that first experience. Basically this means that I've had plenty of time to make every mistake I could think of, and to come up with ways to modify my technique and behaviour. Now I have the entire back bedroom of my house in which to smoke, and entertain my dog.
Nice to meet you.



Sep 17, 2016
Hello pipers, my name is Francisco. I'm new to pipe smoking, started in April of 2016 and have loved it so far. I have three pipes; two MM cobs and a black billiard I bought at my local renaissance fair. That was my first pipe fact, along with a small bag of tobacco called Proper English. Since, I have gotten tins of Captain Earle's Ten Russians, McClelland Frog Morton's Cellar, and Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky. I am awaiting a recent order of Peter Stokkebye 311 perique although I'm sure what to do with it yet since I keep hearing not to smoke it straight. I'm also going to try some cigars but not sure where to start. Anyway, that's my brief pipe smoking history and look forward to enjoy many more years of smoking, if the FDA allows it that is



Feb 7, 2017
Howdy folks, new pipe smoker, for a little over 1 month now. Glad to be here. Discovering new blends and unfortunately PAD. :)



Jan 31, 2017
Hello all, new guy here. Smoked cheap pipes about 18 years ago but it never stuck. Took up occasional cigars instead. Started back with pipes at a suggestion about a month ago, this time doing it right. I've been fully infected by PAD/TAD, now owning 2 Peterson's (69 Killarney & 317) and stop about every third day at my local B&M. Loving every bowl more and want to thank you all for your reviews/posts/input.
Lane 1Q, C&D Berry blend, FMC, & Navy blend on the shelf. Still looking for that right mix of pleasant room note plus pop when smoked. And enjoying the search!



Feb 10, 2017
Good morning....after lurking for several weeks I decided to come aboard. My choice of phrases may give away the fact that I am a Navy veteran. I have smoked my pipes for at least 40 years. The last 15 or so years however I have been mostly a cigar smoker, until a couple of months ago. First, "good" cigars are very expensive to say the least. I probably have over 400 "resting and aging" and will certainly revisit them again. Secondly, there are more people that dislike cigar smoke than like cigar smoke. I happen to love my cigars. I decided several months ago to go back to my pipes to just mix it up a bit, nothing wrong with being a double letterman. I have always been partial to CC pipes having one that is much older than my grown kids. I bought several more, and did a lot of web research on some of the new tobaccos as I know what profile I like. I have since purchased many different tobaccos putting them up in mason jars as a "collection" and well as an experiment to pick my favorites out of all the current offerings. I have to say I am very impressed with where the pipe tobacco industry has come. I am like a child in a candy store here. I am absolutely in love with the Lane Dark Red and their Black Vanilla Cavendish. Of course I have Prince Albert. I have found a great routine wherein I pack a pipe at night and let it rest and dry out overnight. The next day if I need to head out I smoke it in my truck (cold here in New Jersey) as I go where I need. Later on if I am still out I always have some PA on hand over the sun visor. So anyway, I wanted to just introduce myself and look forward to many online conversations.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 7, 2017
Hi all

New here. Picked up the pipe for some nostalgia and Christmas fun (think Bing in white Christmas) just the past November. Turns out that I not only have the photog equivalent GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) but I am also afflicted with TAD and PAD. I'll have to get some pics up of some recent symptoms as I have been on a tear and just started trying my hand at some restorations. Anyway I've been lurking and learning here for a while now and it has been a great help/enabler. I had no idea how diverse pipe tobacco was and I'm still enjoying the experiments. Last night was frog Morton celler and it was wonderful.



Feb 8, 2017
I'm new here, but not to enjoying a fine pipe.

I like making things of all kinds.
Thanks for a wealth of info and knowledge.

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