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Oct 7, 2014
Greetings. I'm Steve from Northeast Tennn. I am 46 and have been smoking a pipe for about 20 years. I tend to favor VaPers but like a wide variety of other things as well. I am married with 2 teenage kids. I am looking forward to meeting others on the forum.



Mar 15, 2015
Hello! I jumped into the newbie question area and didn't see this intro yourself thread. I'm John, I live in Los Angeles with the coolest wife and dog a guy could want. I'm brand new to pipe smoking but am loving it. I started with one, then I got another and now I have 3 more showing up this weekend... I'm really enjoying the relaxing nature of smoking a pipe. It's exactly what I thought it would be. Thanks to all who have answered my questions thus far, and thanks to those of you who will answer more in the future!



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015
Hello everyone.
I've dabbled in cigars for a while and recently started smoking pipes. I've got two Peterson's: a Donegal Rocky B5 Bent Bulldog and a Kenmare 106 Billiard. The first tobaccos I tried were from local shops: Captain Black Dark, Captain Black Royal, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Carter Hall. I guess I like Carter Hall the best of those. The next three tobaccos I bought online: Dunhill Nightcap, Dunhill Durbar, and G. L. Pease Sixpence. My favorite of those is Nightcap. The first bowl of Nightcap was the first of those three I smoked, and it was exquisite. It seems I like Latakia. I'm a Guinness and Scotch drinker so I suspected I'd like the heavy tobaccos. I'll be getting more Nightcap and I intend to explore the other Dunhill blends. I haven't decided what other brands and blends I'll get. My wish list at smokingpipes has quite a few I'm going to select from, but my next order will be all Dunhill since smokingpipes has a sale this month on Dunhill tins. I don't plan on trying any aromatics from the better brands. I'll probably get Carter Hall locally when I want some cheap tobacco. As I write this (in long hand before pecking it out on the small iPhone screen) I've got Nightcap lit in the Billiard. I haven't had tongue-bite since I moved away from the Over The Counter blends. Maybe I just learned how to let the tobacco dry and to smoke slower.



Apr 11, 2015
Hello from Dublin Ireland.... Been smoking cigars for years, pipes always fascinated me. My father used to take my brother and I to a grubby little toy store when we were kids and the smell of pipe tabaco just like the owner smoked always brought me back there every time. Happy memories. I finally bought into a Peterson (naturally as I live in Dublin) about two years ago and now I have a full humidor with cigars I cannot bring myself to smoke as I'm a total pipe convert.
Having read this forum a pile of times I decided now to join with a view to hopefully opening up my knowledge (and collection) of other brand pipes.... Peterson are IMHO brilliant. Their Dublin store is magical and the staff are super guys but they 100% dominate the market here and you really cannot buy a pipe that doesn't bear that 'P'.
So, looking forward to the forum... thanks!
PS. Thankfully my wife is totally open to all my little toys and hobbies so I'm really lucky... hunting.. wet shaving... pipe smoking.... the list goes on.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2015
Hello from Calgary, Alberta. I finally bought my first pipe in November '14 and haven't looked back. I found this site a few weeks ago while looking for info on tobacco and, well, here I am.
I'm 31, work construction, and smoke at least a couple bowls a day(5+ on weekends). I can't get enough of Peterson Old Dublin or Ashton Artisans blend, and am just getting into virginia's and some proper flake which has proved rewarding if not a bit of a challenge.



Mar 16, 2015
I just wanted to say thank you to Danielplainview and Troutface. They both welcomed me to this forum, and helped introduce me to pipe smoking. I can't say enough about how friendly everyone has been.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 13, 2015
Being homeshored, the all day label applies to me.. Cobs, all day every day..
North Central New Jersey, just playing out the string, waiting for retirement (10 years or so)..



Apr 18, 2015
New member intro:
Hello one and all.
Been a lurker around here for awhile and decided to finally come in out of the cold and join up. Have leaned a great deal about pipes and tobacco reading these forums. Want to thank everyone that has posted info, reviews and photos. This information is greatly appreciated and helpful to people like me getting into the hobby, not to mention very entertaining.
Longtime Cigar smoker that made the switch to pipes. I had dabbled in pipes over the years but now own and smoke several nice briars. My primary pipe is a Peterson but have recently picked up a couple nice estate Savinelli root briars which I'm liking. Still learning allot about which tobaccos I prefer. It seems I have a preference for Danish aromatics which wife Inga also seems to favor. She recently bought her first pipe and is getting into the hobby.
One special thank you to whomever posted the following wisdom: Pick a pipe that speaks to you, that you like and will enjoy owning. Cost, type, brand and other particulars are not as important as whether or not you enjoy owning that particular pipe on a personal level. How true.



Apr 18, 2015
Hello Folks
I'm Matthew,from Oklahoma.I been a smoker since 1978,pipes and cigars since 2004.Where I am an old smoker,it has always been OTC blends.I've been on a few of the other forums and had the chance to try a few of the premium blends.

I now understand why pipes are considered an hobby rather than an addiction (Lol).I look forward to making new

friends and learning more about the tobaccos and restoring and making pipes.Thank you for letting this old man

pick up a few new tricks.



Apr 24, 2015
I just started smoking again after about 5 years (I just haven't had the time). I previously smoked cigars for about 10 years and a pipe for a year. After getting back into it a couple of months ago, I decided to try pipes again. Looking forward to some relaxing evenings on my back patio this summer.



Nov 29, 2014
Greetings from Gainesville, Virginia.

I've been a member of the Newsgroup "Alt.Smokers.Pipes" since about 1995, but was not familiar with the forums until recently. Been smoking a pipe since 1964,which firmly puts me in the "geezer" category. At 68 years, that puts my time with a pipe at over 50 years! Started out long ago with the OTC aromatics, but quickly switched to Virginias and VaPers after flirting with Latakia blends. I've close to 100 pipes (mostly estates) and about 15 pounds of shag in my cellar. I'm a retired military analyst and am spending my time traveling, photography, golf and helping my daughter keep her house running. My lovely wife graced me with my own space (read: kicked me) to our home's basement which is my 'smoking permitted' man cave, which I share with my two cats. They seem to like Virginias also! Oddly, in those 68 years, I'd estimate I've smoked ONE pack of cigarettes. They never appealed to me - guess I was just bred to smoke a pipe, like my dad and grandfather.

Regards, Travis



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2015
Hey there, guys and gals! My name is Anthony and I'm currently living in southern Virginia. I'm an expat from the seedy world of cigarettes that I lived in for several years before picking up my first cob a little over a year ago. And let me tell you, folks... Hallelujah! I have seen the light! I traded in my sticks for a mallet and I never looked back. Not that it was the easiest thing I have ever done, mind you, but well worth it. It's nice to actually enjoy a smoke for a change, rather than just getting a shot of vitamin N.
I became interested in pipe repair and restoration soon after I started. At first, I just wanted to find some cheap, grungy, clunkers that I could fix up to have something other than cobs to smoke. Now, I do it for the challenge and for the pleasure of getting these old soldiers back to the front lines.
I look forward to getting to know you all. Cheers!



Can't Leave
Apr 29, 2015
Hello, all.
I'm Rob, a psychology professor at a small Alabama college.
I traded cigarettes for a pipe three months back, and went through the usual tongue bite, crappy cheap pipes, horrible store-brand tobacco, etc.
In fact, I've tried several time to be a pipe smoker, but always given up, because cigarettes are so much easier.
I'm sticking it out this time, and beginning to see the rewards. My packing and puffing technique is improving. I'm often able to smoke some of the milder blends without getting bitten. I'm generally successful with Lane 1Q and BCA, and Erin Go Bragh if fast becoming a favorite. I love the taste of Dunhill Nightcap, but it really hurts my tongue!
My favorite flavor is cherry, but I haven't found one I can smoke without pain.
I haven't yet found a non-aromatic (besides Nightcap) that's grabbed me.
I've really learned a lot from lurking, so I hope to become more active as my skills improve.
Thank you all for providing such an informed and entertaining resource!



Apr 29, 2015
Hello all,

Just purchased my first pipe about a month ago. Savinelli 677 Roma. Like many people, because of the smell I remember as a child from a family friend who puffed. Since then I have purchased 6 1oz bags searching for my treasure. Cherry Cavendish, Tropical Cavendish, Vanilla blend, Captain Black: White, Half and Half, Hearth & Home Caramel Apple Pie and H&H Berry Nice. Still searching. So far the Capt black and Berry Nice are my favorite. I came to the forums looking for help in my search and I must say everyone has been very welcoming and helpful. Thank you.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 11, 2015
Hi all. I just realized I never gave a proper introduction. Well I'm an avid Piper and snuff user. Though I smoke cigarettes and use chewing tobacco. There is really no passion for the latter, but I'm not a hater of them either.
I stumbled on this site one day while searching Snuff. Now snuff is the reason I picked up the pipe. I belonged to a forum and they have a "Whats in you Pipe" sticky much like the "What are you smoking" thread here. The names and descriptions they gave for the blends they smoked intrigued me. I went out and purchased a Kaywoodie and a few OTC's and I was off to the races.
I enjoy Aromatics, Latakia Blends, Virginias mixes and blends, and Burleys. As you can see I'm easy to please.

After stumbling into this forum, I started to read posts here and realized there is a wealth of knowledge here and the sheer amount of interest I have in pipes, what better place then here with it's volume of information into this hobby made it a no brainer to stick around.
I'd like to thank you all for having me and letting me share my interest in this hobby with yours. Take care guys.
Edit: I've been smoking pipes for about 5 (five) years now.



Might Stick Around
May 5, 2015
Hello all,
I am new to the site and have been smoking pipes for 4 years now. I have since amassed a rather large collection in such a short time. I have PAD! I have everything from meerschaums to Italian briars and classic English pipes.
As for tobacco, some favorites include Orlick Golden Sliced, GL Pease Sixpence and SPC Mississippi River.
I look forward to learning a lot from this forum and hope to add something as well!
Thank you,




Can't Leave
May 5, 2015
Hey everyone,
Total newb pipe smoker here - generally a cigar smoker but have become pipe-curious. I inherited more than a full rotation of estate pipes from my dad, and googling how to restore them is what brought me here. I haven't even smoked enough to know what I like yet. I'm just trying to get these pipes up and running so I can start exploring!
Looking forward to all the wisdom and knowledge here, and hopefully to someday contributing to it!



May 1, 2015
Hi Everyone,
I am Barrie, a 50 year old pipe smoker from the south of the UK. I have been smoking pipes for a couple of years. I like both Aromatics and English blends. My wife says I have too many pipes(Is that possible?)but I just can't resist a good one. I also enjoy playing bass and drinking rum, well you cannot have too much of a good thing!! I do like looking around the forums, so much info.





Starting to Get Obsessed
May 7, 2015
Paros, Greece
Hello everyone,
I'm Michail Kyriazanos and I'm a 26 year old pipemaker from Greece. I've been watching many of the forum topics since I've started pipe smoking almost 5 years ago.
I smoke mostly straight Virginias and Virginia-Perique blends, while during winter I consume a Latakia tin. My favorite shapes are the Billard and Bulldog, and my first pipe was a Stanwell Zebrano with filter.
I live in the Aegean island of Paros, and I'm a full time pipemaker.
Thank you for your hospitality,


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