Posted about the Portland Pipe Club, and figured I should do this too.

From NW Oregon - about halfway between Portland and Mt. Hood, if you're familiar with the area - out in the sticks.
Not to get into my previous bad habits (smoking) that are no longer practiced, I have dabbled with pipe smoking for several years. Dabbled with some crappy house blend aro from a store, get frustrated at the effort involved (I packed them waaaaaaay too tight for a long time), gave it up, lather rinse repeat. Smoked cigars exclusively for a few years - good, but that proved to be the most expensive vice I had.
Quit smoking about a year ago, and would have a pipe now and again when at a party or whatever. Figured out the packing/lighting/tongue bite deal, and started getting better aros....... found out I enjoyed it.
Have half dozen briars, and as many MM's I just got to go with the 15+ tobaccos I just ordered in the last couple months.
Have 3 orders in the mail now with a ton of tobaccos, and working on buying some aged stuff as well - some of it at 10 to 15 years. All in as they say.
Always was turned off by the tin note of English tobaccos (compared to "good" aros), but decided to put a tin of Mississippi River and a Frog Morton's Cellar in the orders.
The MR was surprisingly good.
But. I found myself thinking about the single bowl I had of the FM Cellar for days.
Other interests - motorsickles, good beer, good whisky.