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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 23, 2015
My name is Bernie. I've been a long-time cigar smoker and have just gotten into pipe smoking. I guess it was the memories of my grandfather smoking pipes on Sundays when the entire extended family got together that drew me in. After finding a nice Peterson Pipe and a few decent tobacco blends I have to say I'm enjoying this new hobby. I find it very relaxing slowing down to enjoy a good smoke for 30 minutes or so.
I look forward to learning and sharing with this forum.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 23, 2014
smokejumper, ewhutson, and bernie2, welcome everyone! How interesting that all three of you have family influences in pipe smoking. Rest assured you have found the right place. There is a ton of info here for all levels of experience all presented by some of the nicest people I have encountered on the web.



Jan 15, 2015
I am a naw member and I live in Riverside Ca, and I would like to know if there is a relatively close place to where I can go to relax and meet new pipesters.



Can't Leave
Jan 25, 2015
Hi guys! My Name is Bill and I'm from Michigan. I started smoking a pipe a few years back and now I've started to collect them. My main pipe is a meerscham. Don't know much about it other then the made in turkey stamp on the stem. as a hobby I like to restore estates. Some I know what they are, others not so much. This all started when I found a box of pipes that were my grandfathers and I wanted to bring them back to their former glory. My current go to tobacco is The C.S. Mott Blend. Its a strong blend almost like a cigar.



Jan 25, 2015
Hi ya.Perhaps new to this site but I've been smoking pipes since mid 80's.Well what can I say...smoking mostly Briars and Cobs and sometimes Meers too.I prefare Savinelli,Peterson and Chacom pipes...lately been smoking after 10 years streak with Macbarens Petersons blends.I live in now in Northern Europe and tobacco laws are quite hard so it's just few good tobacco stores where you can get good blends and pipes.If I can be help in some questions concerning pipe smoking I'll gladly help and Happy New Year to you all!



Jan 22, 2015
Posted about the Portland Pipe Club, and figured I should do this too. :)
From NW Oregon - about halfway between Portland and Mt. Hood, if you're familiar with the area - out in the sticks.
Not to get into my previous bad habits (smoking) that are no longer practiced, I have dabbled with pipe smoking for several years. Dabbled with some crappy house blend aro from a store, get frustrated at the effort involved (I packed them waaaaaaay too tight for a long time), gave it up, lather rinse repeat. Smoked cigars exclusively for a few years - good, but that proved to be the most expensive vice I had.
Quit smoking about a year ago, and would have a pipe now and again when at a party or whatever. Figured out the packing/lighting/tongue bite deal, and started getting better aros....... found out I enjoyed it.
Have half dozen briars, and as many MM's I just got to go with the 15+ tobaccos I just ordered in the last couple months.
Have 3 orders in the mail now with a ton of tobaccos, and working on buying some aged stuff as well - some of it at 10 to 15 years. All in as they say.
Always was turned off by the tin note of English tobaccos (compared to "good" aros), but decided to put a tin of Mississippi River and a Frog Morton's Cellar in the orders.
The MR was surprisingly good.
But. I found myself thinking about the single bowl I had of the FM Cellar for days.
Other interests - motorsickles, good beer, good whisky.



Jan 23, 2015
Hello everyone, my name's Jim and I've been lurking around on the site and the forum for a little while now and finally decided to join. Lots of great reading on here!
I live in the small town of Amherstburg in Ontario, Canada. It's just across the river from Detroit. I've never smoked cigarettes or cigars but I've dabbled in pipe smoking on and off for about 25 years. With more relaxation time to enjoy the last year or so due to the kids being grown and self sufficient I've gotten into pipe smoking full on. I must say I'm enjoying it very much.
I'm fortunate that the city of Windsor (20 minutes away) has a half a dozen or so good tobacco shops to choose from so good pipes and tobacco is readily available.
I look forward to reading more and expanding my knowledge of this great hobby and joining in on some of the great conversations here.
Happy puffing. Jim



Jan 19, 2015
Hi Im Steven, I just started smoking a pipe like my father did. He worked on Antique clocks and watches, just like me im a third generation clock and watch repair. I have found that I relax more, and think more when i'm smoking a pipe Now I know why my father was so relaxed working on a clock Lol... My wife and daughter bought me a Peterson Dracula pipe which I love.. I smoke Mac Baren Vanilla Cream.. Im new to posting I didnt know if my first post went through..



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 19, 2014
Hello all; I smoked a Peterson Mark Twain in college and I just started again rather than cigars. Now I will do cigars on the rare golf outings. I am a semi-retired school Adminsitrator and a Nascar fan! I look forward to learning about pipes and pipe tobacco from you guys!!



Jan 25, 2015
Hi all, newbie here from the Cleveland area. I've learned a great deal from reading your forum but I thought I should finally make my introduction. Admittedly, I have a less than happy reason. Last night I knocked my brand new calabash onto the floor and the top part of the bowl (the lip?) sheared cleanly away from the bowl itself, leaving the bowl still inside the body of the pipe. I removed the bowl and fitted it against its other half and they fit perfectly with no gaps or missing chips. There was no other damage. I'm thinking, if there was ever a candidate for a clean repair this is it. I'd like to take a stab at gluing it back together before trying to purchase a replacement. I thought about using a medium viscosity CA. Does anyone have any suggestions or thoughts?
The pipe has only been smoked twice so there has been no infiltration of the matrix with tobacco oils, etc.



Jan 29, 2015
Hello everyone.Nice to be here. I have been enjoying pipe tobacco for a number if years and have a small collection of pipes. I smoke mainly Meerschaum pipes these days as I prefer the inherent qualities of sepolite over briar. That being said my Falcon and Corncob get regular smokes when I am pushed for time. I prefer non aromatics although do enjoy the occasional aromatic. As for non aromatic my tastes are wide and varied, I often change between an ardent English enthusiast to Vaper to burley blends and so forth. I look forward to getting to know you all.



Jan 28, 2015
Hello everyone. I'm glad to finally be a member here. I have been smoking a pipe for several years and have discovered the pleasure of it. I hope to add some of my experience to this cite so that hopefully new people who can learn to enjoy this hobby as much as I do.



Feb 3, 2015
Good morning all. I've been lurking for a while and decided to join up. I got back into pipe smoking a couple years ago having gone from pipes to cigars and now I'm back again.



Oct 9, 2014
Good day to all.

I have come across this fine forum after stumbling upon a picture from a 'beautifull all-bamboo pipe' (I know, beauty is in the eye- etc.) via google.

After reading the fine and extended articles and revieuws of many of the members here I myself asked to become a member.

It seemed the proper thing to do to introduce myself here ; Mike, 42yrs of age and living in the Netherlands.

I will follow this forum to hopefully learn much more about-and thus being able to even more enjoy the art of pipe-smoking.
Sincere greetings from the Netherlands !
PS it goes without saying that any question about my little country concerning tobacco or other will be answered by me in the best manner my limited knowledge permits me..

Feb 6, 2015
Hello from Maine! My name is Russ and I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello to everyone. I lost my father in December of 2013. He was an avid smoker his entire life. On his birthday in 2014 I bought my first pipe to honor him. This was the first time I smoked a tobacco pipe. I ended up buying a Dr. Grabow Omega as this is what was recommended to me from the guy at the smoke store. I smoked it several times in 2014 and want to really appreciate more this year. I joined knowing that I will learn a lot from all of you.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 23, 2014
Hello to this weeks additions! bruce74,webbie, izkeh, dutchy, enlightenedwisdom you are all most welcome.
Dutchy, it's funny you mention being brought here through an online search. A lot of the time an individuals first experience with is when the forum is providing its best function, that being the dissemination of pipe knowledge and mentorship. Glad to have you.
enlightenedwisdom, the story you shared of your father and your movement towards getting involved in pipe smoking was touching. So many of us here smoke with sentimental thoughts towards loved ones both present and past. Pipe smoking is a lot of things one of them being a celebration of sentiment. Welcome!
izkeh, arise from lurker status and stand as a “New Member”. :clap: :clap: I hope you chose to contribute in the future.
bruce74 and webbie, new members are not always new smokers. I look forward to hearing more about your pipe journeys and the knowledge acquired along the way.



Feb 8, 2015
Hi Guys, I'm Eric and I've spent a lifetime around pipes. My father is a 75 year pipe smoker and at 89 still enjoys 3 bowls a day. I've smoked a pipe on and off since the mid seventies. I've taken it up in earnest about 5 years ago - with a vengence! I like to collect and in the past 3 years after a lifetime of wood carving, I've taken up pipe making. Quickly became obsessed! With my carving background, I can carve pretty objects and have received many high accolades on the shapes of my pipes. But as you all know, it's the engineering that counts. So yesterday was my last day of G. Batson pipe school. My reason for going is to become the best that I can be in pipemaking. I can't say enough about Grant and his mastery at pipemaking. I only hope that half of what he taught me remains in my head. It was a big step for me to do this because pipe school isn't cheap but I believe it was well worth my time, money and effort. Hats off to Grant for offering to teach. I'll end with this. I tried for years to find someone to take me through the processess and offered quite a bit of money at times. Not one would take me up on it. It seems that pipemakers are very tight lipped about their craft. Thank you for your time and I hope to spend some quality time here in great conversation.

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