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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 13, 2011
Morning gentlemen. Name's Jeremiah. I currently live in Houston, TX but am in the process of building a house 30 miles west, in a little town called Fulshear.
If we set the Wayback Machine for 2009, we'd find Jeremiah purchasing his first pipe, right after he'd quit smoking cigarettes. Alas, the jolts of Marlboro cravings it caused proved to be too much on his newly emancipated resolve, so he set it aside.
Until three weeks ago.
Whereupon I found my pipe during the process of moving out of my old house (long story there), and have been enjoying a calming puff or three ever since.
Pleasure to meet you all.



Jul 13, 2010
Welcome Jeremiah, hope you have kicked the coughin' nail habit for good. Hope to see you often here with posts and any questions you may have. Take a look at the left sidebar, it has a ton of info for your perusal.



Feb 28, 2011
Hello to all.

Just recently joined.
I am an avid pipe smoker and have been for over a decade. I find it relaxing and destressing and i quite enjoy the beauty of a hand crafted pipe.
My Favorite style of pipe is Oom Paul.

My current favorite Tobacco is Dr Bradley Mixture from IRC



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 13, 2011
Oh I gave those little filter-tipped devils up for good the first time. I just thought it wise to remove all trace of tobacco for a little while, until I was sure the specter of Mr. Morris had been completely exorcised.
Naturally I do have a few questions, but I'll make my way through the earlier posts and articles first, as it's unlikely I'm the first one to have them.



Mar 17, 2011
Hello Everyone,
I've recently had my interest in pipe smoking rekindled.
I started smoking pipes with a buddy of mine when I was around 17 years old - I'm 29 now.
We bought some cheap pipes from a cigarette shop along with some lousy tobacco. We were more into the look of sophistication that smoking a pipe brings than the actual enjoyment one gets from pipe smoking.
This didn't last long however because of our gross lack of experience, coupled with the lousy pipes and tobacco we had bought.
Later, a girlfriend I had at the time thought it would be cool if I started smoking a pipe again. She took me to a local tobacconist and bought for me a no-name pipe and some house blend that the tobacconist recommended. I had a better pipe this time, but my skills were still lacking.
Not to be daunted by my lack of skill I began to study on the Internet better pipe smoking technique. I had my mom go half on a Peterson 303 System pipe as a gift and bought some Dunhill pipe tobacco. I definitely enjoyed pipe smoking much more at this point, but stopped after a time because I had no pipe smoking friends and the cost of acquiring new pipes and tobacco had become price prohibitive.
Just last October my buddy who I had started smoking pipes with in the first place bought for me a Radice pipe as a groomsman present. My interest in the hobby has been growing ever since.
I've been lurking around this forum and reading the articles on the main site ever since my interest had been rekindled. The articles are great. The atmosphere and general attitude of the forum is excellent! Everybody is very kind and friendly.
Thank you,
Jonathan (rocky).



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Welcome Rocky,

We all look forward to your posts and pictures.

If you have questions please don't hesitate to post them.

We love to offer our humble opinions.
Again; welcome to the fraternity!



Mar 20, 2010
Greetings everyone!

I've been a member for some time but I've yet to introduce myself with a short bio. I'm a Architect by profession living in Clarksville, TN. I'm 64 and married to a very wonderful, loving who, though a fervent non-smoker, endures my love of pipes and tobaccos. Our two daughters are grown and have families of their own.

I've been a smoker and a pipe smoker for 49 years and a pipe smoker exclusively for the last 9. I have a collection of about 163 pipes and I smoke and enjoy each and every one. Most are mid-range brands from different companies with a few between the $200-$300 range though I do confess to having some Dunhill Christmas pipes that exceed this amount. These I obtained by bartering Architectural services with the local B&M pipe and tobacco shop. I once was a principal collector of Peterson pipes but my collection has branched out.

I have a fairly nice "cellar" of tobacco begun years ago with the rise in tobacco taxes and prices in general. And I continue to add to it in anticipation of more governmental controls and my future retirement.

I enjoy this website and wish to hear from others.



Mar 20, 2011
Hello, my name is Rod. I've smoked a pipe for many years and enjoy it's calming effect. I live in State College, Pennsylvania. Always looking for pipe buddies in my area, but never find any.



Jul 13, 2010
Welcome rod and tom. Hope to see more of both of you as time goes by. Sounds like quite the pipe collection tom.



Mar 20, 2011
My name is Don. You can also call me "M".

I am going to be 52 this coming May and live in the suburbs of Detroit, MI.

I just recently got back to smoking a pipe within the last 6 months or so.
Here is my story:

Back in my late teensearly 20's my best friend worked at a local B&M.

He would bring home the finest of everything! The finest cigars, cigarettes from all over the world, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, and even snuff! lol

I tried it all. I smoked a pipe and maybe about a tin or 2 and remember what ever I was smoking was sweet and I enjoyed it very much. However shortly thereafter, I mostly smoked cigars until recently.
I hooked up last year with a gal that I had a crush on in 6th grade. We re-connected thru Facebook. Both of us divorced. Me; newly divorced and her for about 9 years. We hit it off and even got married last Christmas in Vegas by an Elvis impersonator. But that is another story. lol I digress.
She is a cigarette smoker. Not heavy. Last summer, she showed me and offered me her late grandfather's pipe and asked if I wanted to try it and I said yes. It was an estate Jobey Fawn. We went to the local B&M and just guessed at what to get. I ended up with a tin of Peterson's De Luxe Mixture and loved it. I started doing my homework and research about tobacco and pipe smoking. I went back to that B&M and picked up a tin of Peterson's University Flake. My first flake and non-aromatic. I loved it. Shortly after I scored some Samuel Gawith FVF after hearing all the hub-bub on that and loved it.
Well 4 pipes later (Peterson, MM Legend cob, Imp meer), buying over 50 different kinds of tobacco, and trading with many on another forum, I started a spreadsheet and have smoked well over 120 different kinds of tobacco now.

*I still have a huge TAD list and a decent PAD list. heh
I am hooked and in love. At first I would just smoke a bowl every Saturday night. Now I smoke at least 1 bowl a night. On weekends a few more. If I didn't work or could smoke at work, I would be smoking more often! I just started smoking while driving around at work and take my MM cob (with Forever stem of course) and mostly smoke aromatics in the car, to make the car smell nice for others.
So that is my story and I am sticking with it.
I also watched many pipe smoking videos on YouTube and have made 3 of my own.

Mine are mostly silly and not serious. Almost a parody. Just all in fun.

I can post the links if anyone is interested. I am always up for pimping my videos and getting more hits on them. lol Then you will really see how "whacked" I am.
This looks like a great forum and very professional. I am happy to be here and will be participating more soon.

Heck...a Forum that has a section on hot chicks that smoke pipes (or at least model them) has to be awesome! ;)
Catch you all soon.

Don "M"​



Mar 21, 2011
Hi all. John from LA here. Been smoking on and off for 20 years. On and off because I kept going back to coffin nails so I would consider myself a new newbie for lack of a better word. This time I'm determined to break the cig habit and stick to the pipe which I have always found more enjoyable anyway. Lots to learn... Looks like a great forum.

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