My name is Don. You can also call me "M".
I am going to be 52 this coming May and live in the suburbs of Detroit, MI.
I just recently got back to smoking a pipe within the last 6 months or so.
Here is my story:
Back in my late teensearly 20's my best friend worked at a local B&M.
He would bring home the finest of everything! The finest cigars, cigarettes from all over the world, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, and even snuff! lol
I tried it all. I smoked a pipe and maybe about a tin or 2 and remember what ever I was smoking was sweet and I enjoyed it very much. However shortly thereafter, I mostly smoked cigars until recently.
I hooked up last year with a gal that I had a crush on in 6th grade. We re-connected thru Facebook. Both of us divorced. Me; newly divorced and her for about 9 years. We hit it off and even got married last Christmas in Vegas by an Elvis impersonator. But that is another story. lol I digress.
She is a cigarette smoker. Not heavy. Last summer, she showed me and offered me her late grandfather's pipe and asked if I wanted to try it and I said yes. It was an estate Jobey Fawn. We went to the local B&M and just guessed at what to get. I ended up with a tin of Peterson's De Luxe Mixture and loved it. I started doing my homework and research about tobacco and pipe smoking. I went back to that B&M and picked up a tin of Peterson's University Flake. My first flake and non-aromatic. I loved it. Shortly after I scored some Samuel Gawith FVF after hearing all the hub-bub on that and loved it.
Well 4 pipes later (Peterson, MM Legend cob, Imp meer), buying over 50 different kinds of tobacco, and trading with many on another forum, I started a spreadsheet and have smoked well over 120 different kinds of tobacco now.
*I still have a huge TAD list and a decent PAD list. heh
I am hooked and in love. At first I would just smoke a bowl every Saturday night. Now I smoke at least 1 bowl a night. On weekends a few more. If I didn't work or could smoke at work, I would be smoking more often! I just started smoking while driving around at work and take my MM cob (with Forever stem of course) and mostly smoke aromatics in the car, to make the car smell nice for others.
So that is my story and I am sticking with it.
I also watched many pipe smoking videos on YouTube and have made 3 of my own.
Mine are mostly silly and not serious. Almost a parody. Just all in fun.
I can post the links if anyone is interested. I am always up for pimping my videos and getting more hits on them. lol Then you will really see how "whacked" I am.
This looks like a great forum and very professional. I am happy to be here and will be participating more soon.
Heck...a Forum that has a section on hot chicks that smoke pipes (or at least model them) has to be awesome!

Catch you all soon.
Don "M"