hello name is anthony and i started smoking pipe from age 18-21 stopped and at age 28 decided to start up again.
This post should be stickied or in some way made to show up everywhere as a rule of thumb in the community.DO check out the amazing wealth of information, opinions, advice and ruminations in the main site's articles. New content is published with alarming frequency, so you'll always have a pleasant read, a video of a factory tour, and a place to look for tips and tricks.
DO feel more than welcome to spend as much time as you like enjoying the forums, posting and lurking, as they've also become extremely active and are full of good folks.
DON'T worry that this is a boring or pointless forum full of jerks and trolls--nothing could be further from the truth!--it reflects the good nature of the art of pipe smoking in general, and all are welcome.
And to Amy in particular:
DON'T mind that there are a relatively small number of female pipe smokers out there--the numbers are growing every day, as your visit confirms, and the general perception of pipe smoking is fast changing from the crusty old man (well, we have those too ) to the generations-x -y and-z out there who have been turned on to the more profound and enjoyable way to experience tobacco.