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Jul 13, 2010
Welcome charger186. Hope to see more of you with your posts, pics and any questions you may have.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 4, 2011
I'd like to say hello and welcom to all of the new members! I hope you enjoy Pipes Mag. as much as I do, this is a wonderful community. Happy smoking and once again welcome. :puffy:



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
There are a lot of new members lately...

I want to extend a warm welcome to "all y'all".

It really is great to have you all as members!

We are an amiable bunch and love to offer-up our opinions.
To those of you who are new to the pipe smoking world... the more the merrier. We will never ridicule your inquiries, after all we were all once new to pipe smoking. And, those questions are what we're all about... sharing information. There are many members that have vast experience and knowledge of pipes and tobaccos, and we come from all walks of life. (You will be amazed as to the variety of occupations and callings our membership encompasses.) We want everyone to enjoy their pipes and knowledge can only enrich your piping experiences.

So, don't be shy. Dive right in.

We really want to see those pipe pictures and read your comments and questions.
Happy Puffing and welcome to the fraternity!




Feb 27, 2011
(B/cos I am precis, my introduction ''About Me'' will be a bit longer than the site offers usually.)



Smoking pipes over 10 years and thinking that pipe cud made my life longer. (Irony, of course, but not sadness.) I am not smoking too much and not inhale, just puffing, but the point is, - if do you want to enjoy the pipe-smoke you must (shud have) the time and mood to light up. then: ''The pipe makes the life slower.'' It's very different culture of smoke/smoking than smoking the cigarettes one by one. As young man I have smoked cigarettes for cca. 3 years but finished-it and not smoking for 5 years before my first pipe's experience.

- I do not prefer any brand but, - I prefer nice design and tradition. Then, will never buy a pipe comming from Ukraine, Poland, Latin-America, etc., as many do. Well, do it, but I am not one of you/them. I'll always prefer, - Dunhill, Ser Jacopo, Peterson, Savinelli..., just ocassionaly buying ''an un'official brand'' for any reason, - nice design or ironwork (silver/gold beating), a friendly offer or a friedly gesture of good will, etc.

- (Pipe-)Tobacco: I like not so much sweet-flavoured tobaccos, incl. vanilla, cherry, and for nice smoking prefer cavendich, mixed latakia, et similar a bit stronger smell and taste.

When smoking usually driking just a water (but never a coca-drinks), occasionally a brandy, red wine (but never a beer).

- My time ''the slow-smoking competition'' (3 grams of tobacco, 2 matches and go for it) is; 1H21M.

- Photo is attached. (''http'' direct-link or ''url'' forum-link)





I have been working as regular and official Private Military (Security) Contractor - PMC, then, enjoying the pipe-smoke as a part of the action called ''forgetting the world'', - a very usefull metod to keep the brain alive.

Btw. ''PMC'': I have served for France (French Foreign Legion - Legion etrangere) and worked as Private Security Contractor for private subjects later, incl. a security contract for United Nations ''to protect and evacuate out'' (status/position: UN Security Guard under Special Licence Agreement), during the 2nd Gulf War, 2003, and cameback in the time of Lebanese Tension, 2005, when mussulmans was attacking The State of Isreal, especially the port of Haifa was hardly touched by mussulman's rockets (status/position: Civil Defence).


Some time I spent on the sea. My first job on the sea was Crew & Rescue Squad on the deck of cargo-vessel, later have worked on the cruise-deck. Firstly as a crew and common staff, later at the position of PR Dept. Customer Care & Safety (position: Quarter-Deck Manager) managing the staff (Staff Manager) and doing the security job (Security Supervisor).

- Anyway, the sea, cud be fine reason to have this nick-name and avatar: Popey, thinking, that everyone shud know this muscular and pipe-smoking sailor /or the detective called ''Popey'' from the classic crimi-movie The French Connection, 1971. Can say, I like both, cartoon and movie, to have this nick-name just for the fun.



Acctually, I am my-own boss, plus accepting occasional offers to work as; Hotel & Casino Security, Security Advisor, and similar (and wud like to go work on the sea again, if possible). I like cooking, gardnering and manual work (love choping the wood, my grand-father was the smith (forgeman) owning a small smithery) but, I am clever enough to get money by the more comfortable way than working hard and manually from the sunhine to the sunset.

I am the happy-one always looking higner to get nice living-standart and be safe when/if the bad days will come.


Clubs and Pins:

I have been traveling a lot then, I am the member of some pipe-clubs worldwide; - England, France (incl. French Guiana and (ex)Colonial Club of French West Africa), Denmark, Israel, Island of Malta... When I am in any city the first what looking for is, - to find Ex-Service Club, Colonial Club and Pipe Club to sit down and smoke to enjoy new friends.

I collect club's pins. If you have got any for me, message my. Thanks.

Btw. ''Clubbing'', I am member of:

- Rare Books Collectors Association

- Marina and Yacht Club (crew management, yacht-master/sail-master)

- Ex-Service Club

- Rifle and Hunting Club (Shotgun: Beretta 682 Trap (Trap Shooting Association), Pistol: Beretta 92 & CZ 2075 RAMI, Assault Rifle: CZ 858 Tactical (a special licence is needed))



I have joined this forum just for fun, not for the poinless and pointless discussions (never-ending story) as many forums offer.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 4, 2011
Welcome to all of the new members, I believe you'll love Pipesmag as much as I do. It's a great community of smokers, who give great details and are very helpful to one another! Once again welcome and enjoy, happy puffing. :puffy:



Feb 28, 2011
Hi all -

I am interested in taking up a pipe, and would like your recommendations for tobacco. I have 3 or 4 pipes and a pipe stand that were my father-in-law's. He smoked black cavendish, and I always liked the smell of it.
I smoked a corncob pipe for a while in college, but don't remember what type of tobacco it was. I am not and never have been a cigarette smoker, but I do share a cigar with my husband now and then.
By the way, how many other women on this site?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 11, 2011
Welcome Amy! I'm relatively new to this site and pipe smoking as well. As far as how many woman, not sure, but seems like very few. Maybe you're setting a trend!
My 2 recommendations, which I really enjoyed starting out are:
- Lane 1Q (which is sold under many different names, just ask at your local tobacconist - they will know what you're looking for)
- Mac Baren 7 Seas Gold (there are 2 other blends of 7 Seas, but I haven't tried them)
Again, welcome!



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 8, 2010
Welcome Amy!
There are some members of the female persuasion on the board. Unfortunately, they are not as common as I'd like. Perhaps it reflects the demographics of pipe smokers. Certainly everybody here is friendly and makes sure that all new members feel welcome, no matter what.
There are a number of threads for newbie recommendations, such as this one about aromatics. That's as good a place to start as any. If you enjoy cigar leaf, there are blends that mix it in, but I'll assume that you want to stick to the cavendish (which is a principal ingredient of a lot of aromatics, which is why I mentioned it).



Feb 28, 2011
Thanks, Sean, I will check them out. I'm interested in smoking a pipe because you can just light up a bowl and be done, whereas a cigar is pretty expensive and you have to smoke it all right away or it's wasted.



Feb 28, 2011
Thanks for the link, Simon. I skimmed through it. I think I'll try one of the MacBaren's. They sound good.



Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
Welcome to the newest members!
@ Amy
We do have quite a few female pipe smokers as members here. Sometimes they will post regularly for awhile and then not post for quite sometime. It seems that they may read more than they post.
Be sure to browse the articles on the main site as well. I have published quite a few articles to help the beginning pipe smokers get on their way. IF you have any questions, don't be shy and post them up in the forums. You will get plenty of answers.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 28, 2011
Hello Fellow Smokers! I've only been smoking a pipe for a little over a year know but I've been enjoying it greatly and am glad that I've found a community that shares in this passion. I've been reading up on this site for a few weeks now and finally hunkered down and made a profile. You guys seem pretty awesome and I look forward to your future advice and commentary. Thanks!



Feb 28, 2011
Thanks, Bob! I read quite a few this afternoon. Interesting and educational. I'm sure I'll read more.



Jul 13, 2010
Welcome amy and jon. Glad to have you here. Like some have stated already, don't hesitate to ask any question you have. The only silly question is the unasked one. There is a lot of experience within the members here. Hope to see more of you soon.



Jan 1, 2011
The Interwebs
Welcome to all the newest folks, popey, moo, amy, lyst, and any I missed!
DO check out the amazing wealth of information, opinions, advice and ruminations in the main site's articles. New content is published with alarming frequency, so you'll always have a pleasant read, a video of a factory tour, and a place to look for tips and tricks.
DO feel more than welcome to spend as much time as you like enjoying the forums, posting and lurking, as they've also become extremely active and are full of good folks.
DON'T worry that this is a boring or pointless forum full of jerks and trolls--nothing could be further from the truth!--it reflects the good nature of the art of pipe smoking in general, and all are welcome.
And to Amy in particular:

DON'T mind that there are a relatively small number of female pipe smokers out there--the numbers are growing every day, as your visit confirms, and the general perception of pipe smoking is fast changing from the crusty old man (well, we have those too :lol: ) to the generations-x -y and-z out there who have been turned on to the more profound and enjoyable way to experience tobacco.

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