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Might Stick Around
Mar 25, 2011
I just picked up the pipe again after a hiatus of some 40 years. When I smoked a pipe as a young sailor, it was a fine Dunhill, but I didn't know the first thing about smoking a pipe. I was a pack-a-day cigarette smoker back then and was looking for something with more style, but I bought some fairly aromatic and stingy tobaccos and didn't stick with it for long. I actually ended up using that fine briar to smoke grass for a while, then put it aside altogether. I learned to roll my own cigarettes, using Drum tobacco, but gave up the habit about 30 years ago for health reasons. I quit smoking grass about 12 years ago also for health reasons. I have taken up the pipe for mental health reasons. I had been thinking about it for a number of years and finally reached a point where I was so seriously wanting something to help me relax that I went to a local tobacco store (I couldn't bring myself to call the place a true tobacconist shop) and sniffed a few humidors and picked out IQ. I bought a decent, though undistinguished, pipe and from the very first have enjoyed pipe smoking. It took a while to learn how to properly pack and light and draw, but now I'm enjoying about a bowl and a half a day in two or three sessions either out on my front porch, or out in the sunshine when it's available. I've made a couple of my own mixtures and have hit on one that I just love. But I am just at the start of things. I've purchased and restored five estate pipes both on eBay and from local antique/second hand stores. I just bought a humidor/pipe rack and am eagerly awaiting its arrival. I've got a very nice pipe tool (the first ones I bought were very cheap and rather clumsy to the hand). I'm hoping to learn a lot from the various forums here.



Jul 13, 2010
Welcome morlader and 990rick. Hope to see you often here. There is a ton of info here on the left sidebar. Browse about and see what is here.



Might Stick Around
Mar 23, 2011
I really enjoy the website and this message board. Who ever thought there was a thriving pipe community! Are there are pipe/tobbaco shows, where pipe smokers can buy rare pipes, and sample exotic tobbaco blends?



Might Stick Around
Mar 23, 2011
out of curiosity, any female pipe smokers here? I know pipe smokers tend to be men- but thre must be female pipe smokers too...



Mar 28, 2011
I am so thankful that I have found this site… I appreciate all that you’ve done here and I look forward to exploring all the information on the site - thanks again, I’m off to have my first spring smoke by the fire pit - some aged Dunhill Night Cap in a 60 year old Dunhill pipe - probably a sip of Irish Whiskey as well!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 21, 2010
Welcome to all the new members and welcome back to the fine pleasure of the brair for those of you who have returned.



Mar 29, 2011
Twin Cities, MN
New member here. Finding the site to be very helpful, as I'm a new pipe smoker. My first pipe should be arriving in a few days. Hopefully my first smoke this weekend!



Mar 30, 2011
Hey All, I just bought my first pipe, Had my first bowl. Ive been a cigar smoker for 10 years and have always been curious about pipe smoking. I always thought it was more refined so i finally broke down and bought a pipe. It is a varsity by medico. I had no idea how to pick a pipe so i just grabbed an inexpensive one that i liked the look of. I would like to buy another pipe and would greatly appreciate any advice on what to look for in a pipe.



Might Stick Around
Mar 31, 2011
2 month pipe smoker joining up here after hearing about the site from Dubinthedam's video. Already started a collection of pipes and various accessories. Switched from cigars to pipes for a few different reasons. So far it's the second most relaxing hobby I have.
@doylie....any pipe will treat you right if you take care of it from what I have gathered.



Mar 9, 2010
Welcome fellas! Doylie there is a lot of debate as to what to look for in a pipe. Get what you like and you will be happiest. Some folks swear by MM cobs while others swear at them.



Mar 30, 2011
Hi everyone !

What a superb website !! can't stop returning and reading all the stories and tips, and friends request coming already. Obviously that's what a good pipe full of your favourite tobacco does for you!! Makes you warm, friendly and some would say, superior, hahahaha. Nice to meet you all.
Take care and best wishes.......... Tim, Nottingham City. UK.
Ps... before someone asks..... No I don't wear green tights!! nor do I have a feather in my cap !!

As for the longbow? crack shot... so watch it!

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I don't think I've ever formally introduced myself on this thread. Well my name is Brad, was born in Cincinnati and now live in Las Vegas. I'm one of those, I guess generation y smokers I'm 26yrs old. Big fan of Peterson pipes and tobaccos. Have a modest collection of seven pipes, because I got into the hobby big time just as the economy was tanking big time. Can't wait to expand my pipe collection, but for now I'm working on expanding my tobacco collection, it's a little more affordable. Have been on the site off and on for a year now and in the community as well on youtube. Thoroughly enjoy the world of pipes and its people.



Mar 31, 2011
Hello everyone, my name is Baz and I live in a little fishing town in the North-West of England.
Until about 6 weeks ago I was an on-and-off cigarette smoker. I discovered the wonderful flavour of pipe tobacco and the meditative pleasure of pipe smoking almost by accident...I went to a fancy-dress party (are they called costume parties in the US?), with a theme of the 1940s. To finish off my dapper gentleman's outfit I bought a cheap Dr Plumb pipe and some bog-standard aromatic tobacco (plum and rum), lit up at the party, and was really taken by the experience. I did some research on the internet and upgraded my cheap pipe to a (still modest but much loved) Stanwell, graduated from cheap aromatics to Virginias and Vapers, and am really, really, REALLY enjoying my new hobby!
My favourite smoke at the moment is Dunhill's Deluxe Navy Rolls, and I have found a very good tobacconist nearby so am looking forward to tasting different tobaccos. The internet has been a huge source of information so I wanted to sign up here and show my appreciation for all of the great advice and comradeship that the internet pipe-smoking community has to offer.
Cheers everyone, I look forward to chatting with you all!



Mar 9, 2010
Welcome to the fold gentlemen. Scally, I am glad you don't wear tights(tight tights!). I did a good bit of archery before the back went bad. It's fun.

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