If brains were dynamite he doesn't have enough to blow his nose.
A pregnant woman "swallowed a watermelon seed"
How's the food? "It'll make a turd,,,"
"If frogs had wings - they wouldn't bump their butts when they hopped"
Her face could - stop a clock / break a mirror.
Not the brightest bulb in the box
Not the - sharpest marble in the bag / tool in the shop
He's so ugly you'd have to tie a pork chop around his neck to get a dog to play with him
She'd be looking for her pencil with a tampon behind her ear.
Knee walking, lip dragging. commode hugging drunk
Rode hard and put away wet
Couple of bricks short of a load
If my dog was that ugly, I'd shave it's butt and train it to walk backwards