I got impatient concerning a sale I made to a buyer in China. After three days I emailed them and they responded promptly. They said that it takes 3-4 days for the payment to clear, and once cleared they will generate the label and email it to you. I got the label on day 5............They are suppose to fill out all forms and email them to you with the proper shipping label, have no idea what they put, as it’s been three days and I’m still waiting for them to email me the forms but I’ll report back when they do. All that matters is as soon as you drop off the package your responsibilities are done.
There are suppose to be requirements about a shipping timeframe i guess it’s different when it’s international.
The package will go to a processing center in Chicago, then it's sent to it's destination. The customs info is generated electronically somehow through the barcode or International tracking number.
Here's what the label looks like: