I’ve been reliably informed that’ll impair your vision.
As for TinBids, like several other forum members I listed a tobacco as an experiment to see how well the system worked (earlier I had bought a tin or two for the same reason). In my personal experience their platform works very well. In my case I deliberately set a buy-it-now number that priced my tobacco at about 10% under what I guessed was current market. I wasn't watching the clock but in literally seconds it had sold. Within a couple of minutes after that the buyer had paid TinBids and TinBids had sent me notification along with a shipping label. I printed the label, dropped the box at the USPS the next afternoon, and about four days later the $ was in my PayPal account. The buyer, incidentally, was Chinese but had an accommodation address in the States so no custom forms were involved. Setting aside the endlessly debatable questions surrounding the resale of tobacco (which obviously apply not just to TinBids but to Pipestud, sellers on forums, sellers at pipe shows, etc), as a seller I couldn’t have been happier with the process as designed and implemented by TinBids; ymmv.