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  1. Lumbridge

    Candle light

    I've always heard them called spills. Google "cedar spill" and you'll see what I'm talking about. When I smoked cigars regularly, I would make my own by taking the unfinished inner lining pieces from cedar cigar boxes and just split them into thin strips with a knife. I got free boxes from a B&M...
  2. Lumbridge

    Kajun Kake - C&D Classic

    You might be thinking of C&D's King Cake, an aromatic crumble cake with perique.
  3. Lumbridge

    Bulk blends- Where to Find ?

    Low Country bulk blends on Smokingpipes. Currently $24 per pound (regular price) with several aromatic and non-aromatic options.
  4. Lumbridge

    Candle light

    This is basically what is known as a "spill" in the cigar world. Basically it's like using a match that doesn't have a striking head and must be lit from another source of flame. You might consider a less flammable surrounding for the candle, maybe a tall tin can or something, and I definitely...
  5. Lumbridge

    Tobacco Storage In Pouch?

    I bought my very first pipe tobacco (a pouch of Captain Black regular) at a place like that. I got lucky and my pouch was super fresh. A lot of those shops that sell vape stuff and glass "tobacco" pipes etc. may also carry a few generic pipe tobaccos, but it's definitely a gamble as it's likely...
  6. Lumbridge

    An Expensive Case of Buyers Remorse

    "Find out how to make yourself irresistible to women with this ONE WEIRD TRICK!"
  7. Lumbridge

    An Expensive Case of Buyers Remorse

    Sure, an auction is an auction. The comment about price gouging was more of an extension of what I had previously said. I have a bad habit of letting my comments become a somewhat rambling stream of consciousness; perhaps I owe that to all the "codger" blends I smoke making me more codgerly.
  8. Lumbridge

    Tobacco Storage In Pouch?

    I have definitely gotten dry-ish pouches of Captain Black, so it is possible for it to dry out. It depends largely on ambient humidity. Keep in mind that, while the tobacco may still be somewhat moist in the pouch, the flavorings can evaporate and you may be left with something fairly tasteless...
  9. Lumbridge

    Bowl Coating?

    Most of my briars came with naked chambers, and I kind of prefer them that way for no particular reason.
  10. Lumbridge

    J.R.R Tolkien ...

    Nah, you criticized Tolkien so you don't get the benefit of the doubt, unbeliever.
  11. Lumbridge

    J.R.R Tolkien ...

    And George Lucas probably cries at night over what Disney has done to his franchise, but dries his tears with crisp Benjamins. I wonder how many writers of yore are turning over in their graves because of all of the horrendous cash grab spinoffs of their works.
  12. Lumbridge

    An Expensive Case of Buyers Remorse

    Well sure, but the impulse to make a quick decision on a risky investment with future goals in mind and the impulse to grab that item you don't really need on a "Lightning Deal" for an instantly gratifying buyer's high are fairly different from one another.
  13. Lumbridge

    Absolute Mildest Nicotine With Latakia and/or Orientals

    Unreliable to some extent, yes, as the ratings are based on subjective experience, but if a blend has a significant number of ratings, then I find that using the majority of ratings as a guideline can get you in the ballpark at least. Side note, but it seems that a lot of users confuse...
  14. Lumbridge

    An Expensive Case of Buyers Remorse

    A fool and his money... I don't care how badly I might want something - I won't buy if the price is absurdly high, not just because of financial limitations, but out of principle. I don't support price gougers. It seems that in our modern society, we're so accustomed addicted to the instant...
  15. Lumbridge

    J.R.R Tolkien ...

    How is criticism of superfluous content like Amazon's garbage spinoff series, which was created long after J.R.R.T. himself left this world and which bears very little resemblance to his original works, in any way relevant when discussing his writings? To be clear, I'm not arguing in any shape...
  16. Lumbridge

    J.R.R Tolkien ...

    I've been a big Lord of the Rings nerd as long as I can remember, but I never paid any special attention to the references to pipes and tobacco in Tolkien's works until after I started smoking a pipe.
  17. Lumbridge

    How Often Do You Smoke a Pipe?

    As often or infrequently as I wish. Sometimes I'll smoke 3 or 4 bowls in a day, and sometimes I'll go weeks without touching tobacco at all before coming back to it when the whim strikes me.
  18. Lumbridge

    Any Reviews of Finsbury Tobaccos?

    Smoker Friendly is also of Sutliff make according to Tobacco Reviews, so I suspect that these are another iteration of the same blends. They might be equivalent to Sutliff bulk blends, like how Smoker's Pride (made by Lane/STG) are equivalent to Lane bulk blends. The SP blends are worth trying...
  19. Lumbridge

    Any Reviews of Finsbury Tobaccos?

    Yep, Cupojoes carries them too. I think they're the same blends as Super Value, made by Dream Castle/Sutliff.
  20. Lumbridge

    Your Experience with Bit Grips/Softy Bits?

    I prefer Softy bits to the BJ Long bits. The Softys have rounded ends and come in several sizes. No rubber taste at all with either brand. Some of my pipes don't clench well even with a rubber bit, due to the shape of the stem and shape/weight of the pipe. They work better for some pipes than...