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  1. Lumbridge

    Is it Legal to Smoke a Pipe while Driving?

    Willfully ignorant it is, then.
  2. Lumbridge

    Is it Legal to Smoke a Pipe while Driving?

    I could spend my Friday evening digging up scientific studies for you to ignore, or I could just say. "Google it." Now I'm going to go enjoy a pipeful out on my deck so the other members of my household don't have to breathe my smoke.
  3. Lumbridge

    Is it Legal to Smoke a Pipe while Driving?

    I'm going to say it if no one else is; it's not absurd at all. Willfully exposing children to secondhand smoke could be severely detrimental to their health. This kind of stuff is the reason why smokers are reviled by nonsmokers.
  4. Lumbridge

    Is it Legal to Smoke a Pipe while Driving?

    What cop worth his salt can't differentiate the smell of tobacco from cannabis?
  5. Lumbridge

    Dedicated Pipes

    My pipes are divided into categories of aromatics, non-aromatics (non-lat), and latakia blends. Occasionally I'll smoke a non-aro in an "aro" or "lat" pipe just to see what happens. I'm not overly cautious about ghosting as I once was, but I do like to have some separation. Who wants to smoke...
  6. Lumbridge

    In Praise of the Classic SWRA

    Yeah, I miss the Middleton pouches, which actually kept the tobacco reliably fresh unlike the standard plastic folding type.
  7. Lumbridge

    In Praise of the Classic SWRA

    How much does this vinegar flavor translate over to the taste in the new production SWR? That would kill it for me, as vinegar is not the type of flavor I'm looking for in these codger burleys. I might have to pick up a pouch just to see for myself.
  8. Lumbridge


    Never thought of Virginias as salty. There are different types of Virginias and the flavors vary quite a bit, from citrus and grassy to toast and dark fruit notes, and everything in-between. Consider C&D Yorktown for a good, straightforward VA blend, or Newminster 400 flake for a pleasantly...
  9. Lumbridge

    PipesAndCigars.Com: Are They Trustworthy?

    Some people complain about their service. I've never had an issue with them in over six years as a customer that they did not fix right away. Their backorder system sucks. Sometimes they run good sales and coupons which make them the cheapest place to stock up on some tins, like Peterson blends etc.
  10. Lumbridge

    Perfect Foods

    Homemade guacamole, pico de gallo, salsa, hummus, and babaganoush. Delicious and healthy, which makes them damn near perfect in my book. A good chicken biryani is up there for me too, albeit not so healthy.
  11. Lumbridge

    All These Years, Missing Out

    I used to love Latakia, but now it just tastes like ashy cardboard to me. Loved candy aromatics starting out, but now I have to be in the particular mood to enjoy them. I started out with a disdain for perique, but now I can't get enough of the stuff. Go figure.
  12. Lumbridge

    Getting Taste Back

    Some things that seemed to work for me with tongue burns: -Eat cold stuff like a slushy and let it sit on your tongue -Gently exfoliate the dead cells from the tongue with granulated sugar -Brush tongue with toothbrush thoroughly, but not too roughly -Avoid toothpaste with SLS or similar...
  13. Lumbridge


    Because someone, sooner or later, will pay that much for it. Does a $1400 pipe smoke ten times as well as a $140 pipe, or a hundred times as well as a $14 cob? I have my doubts. For my money, a cob or a relatively inexpensive briar like a Ropp or Genod is as good as it gets.
  14. Lumbridge

    Do You Have A Preferred Shape?

    I like paneled shapes a lot. I reach for bent pipes more often than straight. Beyond that, not much of a preference. I mainly look at chamber dimensions and the stem/bit when choosing a pipe.
  15. Lumbridge

    ***What Are You Smoking, August 2024?***

    Two Timer in a cob with coffee. Simple and satisfying.
  16. Lumbridge

    Cob Hazing.

    I just smoke them. Never noticed much of a corny taste with them, and when I get to the bottom where the wooden shank is, I'm done with the bowl. No need to try to "burn it off" or anything.
  17. Lumbridge

    Eye Floaters

    Ive had them since childhood, but they've gotten more prevalent since. The best thing you can do is learn to ignore them. Yes, they are annoying and distracting, but obsessing over floaters will only cause you to fixate on them even more and stress about it. One thing my Dr. told me is that, if...
  18. Lumbridge

    Removing Ghosts

    If it's a musty scent and smells of cologne and/or incense, it may have been used for something other than tobacco.
  19. Lumbridge

    Post Covid Tasting Change

    I've had issues with the taste of tobacco that have nothing to do with Covid. I know this because it started well before the pandemic did. First, I noticed that my single malts started tasting salty, metallic, and sour. I had taken a break from Latakia blends for a while and went to light one...
  20. Lumbridge

    Washington vs legend Cob

    Regarding the purpose of hardwood plugs, they have little to do with preventing burnout. The main purpose of the plug is to prevent the bottom-center of the bowl from getting soggy and deteriorating or becoming easy to damage and poke through with a pipe tool. This can happen with unplugged...