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  1. Relax62

    Neerup Pipe Question

    Thanks for all the feedback! I’ve tried several suggestions from reply’s to my post and it’s getting much better! I’ve also found, as mentioned in one of the replies, that different tobacco’s expand more than others after lighting. That hasn’t affected other pipes, but it has a big impact on...
  2. Relax62

    Neerup Pipe Question

    I’m sure you’re right… I know they make good pipes, it’s the first one I’ve purchased and maybe they smoke a little different than what I’m used to, or maybe a defect in this particular pipe. I’ve tried just about everything, so may be selling or trading very soon.
  3. Relax62

    Neerup Pipe Question

    One other thing I’ve noticed is when drawing after the initial light, I notice a whistling sound, almost like it’s not packed tightly enough at the very bottom of the bowl.
  4. Relax62

    Neerup Pipe Question

    Thank you, I’ll post measurements as soon as I can. It’s U shaped and fairly large (probably the largest pipe I own as far as the bowl).
  5. Relax62

    Neerup Pipe Question

    I recently purchased a Neerup Standard pipe (beautiful pipe and stem), however, I am having issues with the draw. It seems fine when empty, passes a cleaner just fine, but when smoking a bowl I can barely get any smoke (although it draws easy) and it’s hard to keep lit. I’ve tried different...
  6. Relax62

    Lakeland Tobacco

    Good to know… thank you!
  7. Relax62

    Lakeland Tobacco

    I would love to find some aged Ennerdale and experience the flavors you described! Being somewhat new to pipe smoking and still learning about different tobaccos… I have no idea how to find, or even know, aged tobacco. Or which tobaccos age well and which ones don’t. I do jar and label...
  8. Relax62

    Lakeland Tobacco

    Okay… it’s been a little while since my original question/post, and I’ve smoked more Ennerdale and Bosun Cut Plug (have some Rum Flake and Bobs Chocolate to try) and I have to say WOW… I’m really enjoying these tobacco’s! The first bowl or two and I was skeptical, but with any blend, I try to...
  9. Relax62

    Lakeland Tobacco

    Thanks! I was curious if they smoked better in a particular bowl type, like a pot, or billiard, etc… I have to agree! I read some good and some bad reviews about the perfume and floral tin note, and they were all accurate in their own way. I got some Ennerdale Flake (and a few others) to...
  10. Relax62

    Lakeland Tobacco

    Yes, I’ve tried several and at first I wasn’t too impressed, but after trying different drying times and packing lighter… WOW! I enjoyed them all, but Ennerdale Flake is my favorite, and I plan on buying more! Probably order some others as well. My wife says she get the smell of clover when I...
  11. Relax62

    Lakeland Tobacco

    I agree!
  12. Relax62

    Flake Tobacco (PS Navy Flake)

    Great advice! I’ve struggled a bit finding some good Burley blends, though I haven’t looked too much, do you have any recommendations? I obviously like full flavor! And I do like a little sweetness (especially in the evenings).
  13. Relax62

    Flake Tobacco (PS Navy Flake)

    Great advice! I’m going to try all the above. Just one question, do I pack lighter than my English blends?
  14. Relax62

    Flake Tobacco (PS Navy Flake)

    Thank you! I’ll give that a shot. I have one cob, but actually am considering adding another one or two.
  15. Relax62

    Flake Tobacco (PS Navy Flake)

    Not happy to hear that you experienced the same, but it’s promising to hear that it’s not just me, bc I really like, or want to enjoy, VA blends. I’m going to take your recommendation and try just VA blends for a week (as soon as I can get a couple more tins to try). Any recommendations based...
  16. Relax62

    Flake Tobacco (PS Navy Flake)

    When I first started and was having problems tasting aros, someone suggested trying Prince Albert, which I believe to be burley based, and I didn’t get ANY taste from it (except maybe cigarette smoke taste) which may be great for some, but not me. Perhaps you can recommend to good, strong...
  17. Relax62

    Flake Tobacco (PS Navy Flake)

    You’re right… I know I’m doing something wrong! But my English blends smoke great and I love them, but would like a little variety! Need to go through the learning process I guess, but the tongue bite, constant relights, or tobacco too dry and burning through a bowl in 15-20 minutes, not to...
  18. Relax62

    Flake Tobacco (PS Navy Flake)

    I have mainly stuck with English blends, and while I do love them, I primarily smoke them exclusively because seems that anything that is Virginia forward, burns too hot (tongue bite), ashy taste, multiple relights, etc… On the rare occasion that I seem to get everything right… I really like the...
  19. Relax62

    Flake Tobacco (PS Navy Flake)

    I’m actually glad you did. As a relatively new pipe smoker that recently decided Aros were not my thing (for the most part), I’m trying to find blend(s) that appeal to me, have a good flavor and something that I just can’t wait to light up! So far I really enjoy several English blends (love...