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  1. Relax62

    Jim's Seattle Pipe Club Christmas Spirit 2023 Review.

    You and me both!☹️
  2. Relax62

    Marlin Flake

    Thanks for your input!!!
  3. Relax62

    Marlin Flake

    Thank you!! If it’s that moist… maybe folks aren’t drying enough and getting it hot. Would also explain the comments about frequent relights. A couple of folks said when they dry it out, it loses a lot of flavor. Is this true?
  4. Relax62

    Jim's Seattle Pipe Club Christmas Spirit 2023 Review.

    I do really enjoy SPC Bourbon Barrel Plumb Pudding and although its a little pricey also, I do treat myself every now and then. When I saw the Christmas blend release… I immediately thought… no way will I spend that much! I complained to my wife about the cost and she surprised me with a tin...
  5. Relax62

    Marlin Flake

    Ok… reaching out to all of you that have gotten me hooked on VA’s & VaPer’s (especially flakes and coin). I have read many mixed reviews on Marlin Flake and was just about to place an order until I started seeing several comments about it burning hot and tongue bite, which I seem susceptible...
  6. Relax62

    Changing Taste

    I get that totally! If true I seem to be backwards. I’m currently enjoying Va’/Va/Res’s, and Lakelands (various blends), and in the warmer months I was really enjoying English/Balkan, and some Burlely blends.
  7. Relax62

    Changing Taste

    Hadn’t thought of it that way, but makes perfect sense! Thanks for the input!
  8. Relax62

    Changing Taste

    Couldn’t agree more! I should’ve been more clear!. There are some tobaccos that are considered light aromatics that I do enjoy on occasion, then there are ones that are heavy and smell wonderful, but taste nothing like they smell. Maybe I haven’t figured out how to smoke them, but I do give...
  9. Relax62

    Changing Taste

    Totally understand about stocking up on your “favorite” only to find it’s not your favorite! I have about 6 tins of Escudo that I’ll probably never smoke. It’s good, but several others I like much better (I.e. LBF, Windjammer). So, what’s your favorite now?
  10. Relax62

    Changing Taste

    Good feedback… I’ll keep the few aros I have left and try them again later.
  11. Relax62

    Changing Taste

    Also, not to digress from the topic, but my pipe collection has also grown significantly, as I’ve started dedicating certain pipes to different tobaccos. My wife just bought me a Savinelli 2023 Saint Nicolas bent billiard for my birthday and this week an Eric Nording Signature Freehand for...
  12. Relax62

    Changing Taste

    That is so true! I didn’t mention Burley in my post, but I almost trashed 8oz. Pegasus and C&D Burley flake… boy I’m glad I didn’t! I do enjoy them quite a bit (not as much as others I mentioned), but nice change of pace. Plus I think the time spent in jars (about 8 months) made a huge...
  13. Relax62

    Changing Taste

    How many of you have had times when your taste, or likes change every couple of weeks or so? I’ve been piping for almost a year now and have learned so much from all of you! Like most folks I know, I started with aromatics due to reviews of how great they taste and smell, only to find.., not...
  14. Relax62

    Pipes and Tobacco

    Thanks so much!
  15. Relax62

    Blending and shredding tobacco

    Hey everyone, I’m about to make my own blend using stoved Virginia and Perique. The Virginia I’m using is in fairly large pieces and I would like shred or somehow cut into smaller (not too small) pieces. Any suggestions?
  16. Relax62

    Pipes and Tobacco

    Thanks! I wasn’t aware of that… what’s the FB page/group?
  17. Relax62

    Pipes and Tobacco

    Good morning everyone! I have learned so much from many of you and I have finally found “my way” of piping! From the tobacco’s that I like, packing method, smoking cadence, best pipe(s) for different tobacco’s and much more! While there are definitely “do’s and “don’t’s” with pipe smoking… it...
  18. Relax62

    Black Frigate

    Good to hear! I have been looking at Sextant!
  19. Relax62

    Black Frigate

    I would be interested as well. I’ve not tried either of the above mentioned, however, I don’t care for too much Perique. I thought about Blockade Runner, but several reviews indicated that it burns hot and has some pretty rough edges. What’s your experience with it?
  20. Relax62

    Black Frigate

    Question for those more experienced than myself, or really anyone, that has any recommendations… I’m finally beginning to get beyond overthinking every aspect of pipe smoking and starting to settle into my way (based heavily on things I’ve learned on this forum, along with finding my likes and...