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  1. Relax62

    What is a Cool, Mild, Medium-Sweet, everyday Smoke?

    Oh… I got so caught up in this post, I forgot to mention the most important requirement.. My wife says it must smell good! 😂🤠
  2. Relax62

    What is a Cool, Mild, Medium-Sweet, everyday Smoke?

    Title edited for caps, and brevity. Question for the experienced, or really anyone that would like to chime in. I’m relatively new to pipe smoking (2nd attempt, first time around didn’t go so great). While I can’t say I’m doing everything right, I’ve read enough posts here and tried various...
  3. Relax62

    Hello from Texas

    That actually a mountain cabin in Arkansas!
  4. Relax62

    Help, Please for: Good, Inexpensive, Small Pipe

    Thank you all for great advice and suggestions! Now I’m shopping!!🤠
  5. Relax62

    Hello from Texas

    Got my Lanes Q1 in today, just finished my first smoke… and what a treat! Everything I hoped it would be and then some! My wife loved the aroma! Now I’m really excited to try others that have been suggested in this forum!
  6. Relax62

    Help, Please for: Good, Inexpensive, Small Pipe

    Agreed! I’ll probably try a Cobb. But you are correct.., in most cases, you get what you pay for. Thanks for sharing your experience. I’d rather spend a little more, or load 1/2 pipe, than to buy several cheaper ones only to find it was a waste of time and $$. But several have mentioned a...
  7. Relax62

    Help, Please for: Good, Inexpensive, Small Pipe

    That looks nice… seems like what I’m looking for. Thanks for the link!
  8. Relax62

    Help, Please for: Good, Inexpensive, Small Pipe

    @hoosierpipeguy Well, actually I’m not looking for the nic hit, I was hoping to get the same enjoyment as I do with my evening smoke, but you’ve made a great point. I’m pretty new to this and thought there may be something out there that would accomplish that same experience in a shorter...
  9. Relax62

    Help, Please for: Good, Inexpensive, Small Pipe

    @BarrelProof Good point, I would like to find something in the <$50 range
  10. Relax62

    Help, Please for: Good, Inexpensive, Small Pipe

    @BarrelProof Good point, I would like to find something in the <$50 range.
  11. Relax62

    Help, Please for: Good, Inexpensive, Small Pipe

    Can anyone suggest/recommend a good, inexpensive pipe that’s good for those times when you want to enjoy a quick smoke. I suppose I could only fill one of my pipes halfway, but I’d rather not, maybe I just want another pipe for those times.
  12. Relax62

    Hello from Texas

    Thank you for the advice on pipes and the tobacco recommendations! I’m in the Ft. Worth area. My wife and I are about to head out on a 2 year RV trip all over the U.S.
  13. Relax62

    Hello from Texas

    I just ordered both of the above mentioned tobacco’s 2 days ago! Glad to get your feedback! Looking forward to trying them.
  14. Relax62

    Hello from Texas

    Jndyer… Thank you for taking the time to share some of your favorites. I’ll definitely give them a shot!!
  15. Relax62

    Hello from Texas

  16. Relax62

    Hello from Texas

    Any recommendations?
  17. Relax62

    Hello from Texas

    I’m taking up pipe smoking again after 10 years. First time didn’t go so well, but after reading many posts on this site, and the desire I had to try again… here I am! Already learned a lot and sure I will learn more! First 3 things I learned, and trying to get better at… 1) Don’t pack to...