A New Year: New Pipes and Tobacco

MacArthur Corn Cob Pipe and Tobaccos

Here we are on the cusp of a new year. Like Satchel Paige, I am just a bit fearful these days to look over my shoulder. Something might be gaining […]

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Pax Vobiscum!

Some favored tobacco blends and new pipes from left: L.J. Peretti 150th Anniversary Virginia Flake blend; new pipes L-R: Peterson XL02 Rua Fishtail (red fox) in a crimson-and-black contrast-stained sandblast and the Peterson Halloween 2021 System Pipe B42 P-Lip with its acrylic red and black stem and black sandblast; two Claudio Cavicchis, L-R, Lovat brown sandblast and CCC Canadian; two tobacco cans, Cornell & Diehl’s Autumn Evening and Sutliff Tobacco Co.’s Edward G. Robinson’s Pipe Blend. Photo by Fred Brown

Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast—William Shakespeare  Ahhh, yes, the hurly-burly holidays have fallen upon us with a vengeance. In this supply-chain-choke-hold-chaos of Thanksgiving and Christmas flapdoodle, […]

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An Upstart Crow’s Mincer Experience

Gift from old newspaper pal, described as a Tracy Mincer Custom-Bilt years ago at a pipe show. (Photo: Fred Brown)

Rummaging around the pachyderm-sized briar herd recently, I ran across old friends and one surprising ancient addition. You know how it is. For sentimental reasons, you begin to yearn for […]

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Drink the Wild Air

Fall is a special time of year for those of us lucky enough to reside near forests. Here lush deciduous trees light up the mornings and evenings with color come […]

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Prepping for Pipe-gating

The Pundit's Fall Haul of Pipes and Tobacco

Say, what is that aroma wafting about? Latakia? Yenidje? Izmir? Maybe. But could it be college football season is in the air and tailgate cookouts are smoking up the place? […]

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Old-Fashioned in a Hurly-Burly World


Let’s take a break from all the doom and gloom, shall we? It’s summertime and the sunny side of life calls. I always loved the song, “Keep on The Sunny […]

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The Past is Never Dead


July is a month of milestones for pipe smokers. You read that right. As the nation celebrates 245 years of independence, escaping from the clutches of rascally British King George […]

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Puff Gently into That Good Night

The Author's Edward's Pipes

This is a love story that dates to the 1950s and continues into the present. It has to do with A la Recherche du Temps Perdu, to call upon the […]

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Greatest of Hobbies Is a Friend for Life

Some of the Author's Pipes & Accessories

Let’s return now to a more romantic and simpler time when pace and society were slower. It’s the 1940s just after the end of World War II. Soldiers are returning […]

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White Dots, English Pipes and Spring

English pipes from left to right Northern Briars Countryman, Dunhill Shell Briar Group 4, Dunhill Shell Briar Group 5, Ashton Pebble Grain LX

This thing of ours, this pipe passion, and tobacco zeal are quite extraordinary. And why is our pleasure so special? Oh, let me count the ways. Pipes and tobacco connect […]

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