Road Forks and Observations

Steamworks, the latest Small Batch blend from Cornell & Diehl, is a delight in the pipe. (Photo: Fred Brown)

This is the fun time of the year, methinks. Major League Baseball is winding down into its playoff madness when the Boys of Summer become the Boys of October. High […]

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A Mile High Looking for Pipes and Tobacco


If you ever venture out to the mile-high city of Denver, Colo., and you are seeking a unique smoking experience (not in the sense of the word that rhymes with […]

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Dreams of Independence, Freedom, and Pipes

June was a busy month for Pundit in preparation for the nation’s 247th birthday and the fresh air of freedom and liberty for all. A visit to  historic Philadelphia satisfied a […]

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Looking Ahead, Far, and Near

Prince Albert and Velvet Pipe Tobaccos

In attempting to make sense of my years-long pipes and tobacco hobby, I have looked back and ahead through the mists of time.  My muses on June’s contemplative journey with […]

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Curing the Rough Edges

Some favorite blends that go well in spring, or anytime, especially when outside. (Photo: Fred Brown)

Ahh, just the thought of April showers bringing May flowers is enough to demand a commune with flora and fauna, to look up and around and admire nature’s latest colorful […]

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Je suis la pipe


Let’s take a quick trip to the long, long ago. Back of the beyond, as the wanderlust mountain adventurer and pipe-smoking author Horace Kephart once said of a hiking trip […]

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The Pipes and Tobacco Life

A couple of "authors," better known as Savinelli 320s, worth packing with good leaf and topping off with a good book. Photo by Fred Brown

Ah, yes, March rolls in a-roarin’ like a lion and trots out like a sweet, innocent little lamb. So they say, whoever they are. Let’s not forget college basketball’s March […]

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Happy Pipe, Happy Life

Some old friends take center stage at beginning of a new year of pipes and tobacco. From left, an ancient Ashton Brindle, an English made Royal Fallings basket pipe from the 1960s and a Deluxe Peterson System 9S, one of the large bent billiards in the Deluxe System chart. (Photo by Fred Brown)

Walking about a rock-strewn riverbank, flyrod in hand and pipe clenched firmly, it came time to just sit and observe life around me. It was a misty morning, coolish, water […]

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Happy New Pipe Year!

From left: Cornell & Diehl Charles Towne Cobbler; Southport Ferryman; Kingston Judge; and The Honeypot Photo by Fred Brown

Now, don’t take this the wrong way. The Pundit starts each new year with a new cob. It’s been a custom since the beginning of time. Call it a cob […]

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Ghosts of Christmas Present

The Peterson Christmas 2022 B42 Darwin in all its copper glory. Photo by Fred Brown

Two of the larger-than-life names at this time of year, other than the pipe-puffing big white bearded guy in the North Pole, who runs a shop full of elves and […]

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