***What Are You Smoking, May 2021?***

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Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and am a quarter of the way through this bowl of Feuerwachter Enterprises Headingley Mixture in an undated straight, smooth light brown unbranded short shank Bing-ish lumberman with a long, tapered black vulcanite stem. Going to clean some dishes, and then read some baseball box scores.


Nov 29, 2020
Newhaven England
I did some research on these in the 1980s when I bought these which might be of interest to you.

First off, the Gambier Jacob head has "JE SUIS LE VRAI JACOB/ I am the real Jacob" in relief as that company was the first with the design.
Other companies copied the design but had to use different wording around the turban such as "LE SUIS LE BEAU JACOB/ I am the handsome Jacob" used by L. Fiolet etc.
View attachment 79991View attachment 79992View attachment 79993
On closer inspection I’m pretty sure it reads “FEAT” which must mean formidable in that context I think. It must be a copy, the text on it is nowhere near as clear and well cast as yours. Thank you for information I want to know as much as possible.


Jun 5, 2018
Morning everyone, I started by finishing the rest of last nights Walnut Flake in a Kaywoodie Campus and I’ve moved on to Bayou Morning in the new (to me) Stanwell 75 hand made. I think was very lucky finding this one.
I've noticed that the Walnut performs very well when finishing off (relighting) a partly smoked bowl. Many other tobaccos don't perform so well on relight. ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐


Can't Leave
Apr 14, 2012
Lovely morning on the deck smoking 2004 Gawith Hoggarth Dark Flake unscented in a Briar Works prince shape. Colombian peaberry coffee to accompany the smoke, fresh from the French press. Will be taking out the kayaks for the first time today that my wife surprised me with for my bday back in March. Finally a warm day where we both have off work….can’t wait to get out on the creek! Wishing everyone a great day!
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