Now that the haze has cleared up a little bit, back to the grindstone!
Mystery Lat Blend C

Baggy note of bbq sauce.
In the pipe: An old scholar's study. Just instinctively, I want to say that this is what mid-level Latakia is. Less spicy on the retrohale than B was, which is proving a delightful playground for contemplation. Making a conscious effort to detect flavor and aroma, I do get some comfy grassiness, or maybe that's just the pleasant interplay of damp soil with the pipe.
Just now I got a note of That One Friend's Basement Where We Used To Play Diddy Kong Racing On The Nintendo 64, which is another wholly irrelevant note to anyone but myself - but that house always smelled a little like hot peppers, so I suppose imagine the faint aroma of hot peppers that have infused into shag carpet such that what remains is no spice and all vegetal goodness.
I could probably smoke this contentedly all day, and greet any visitors brave enough to dare the English fog with a "You think this is bad? Pathetic!".