My Dad smoked when I was young. I distinctly remember the aroma of his pipe tobacco. I thought it was great, and I used to sneak into his den and hold the pipe in my mouth, just to get the taste and smell. I remember his tobacco of choice always had a picture of a tall sailing ship on the pouch. At some point he stopped. I don't know why - maybe I wasn't as sly as I thought i was?
Years later (I was maybe in high school) I found his kit. Tried to smoke it. Had no idea how and made every mistake possible - burned my tongue, sucked in bits of tobacco, couldn't keep it lit. Didn't ask him how - just figured it was beyond me.
Pciked up (and gave up) cigarettes a couple of times in life. They helped with the all-nighters in college and I was indulging in all kinds of things (especially the kinds of things best done in moderation) after my first marriage ended. But I found cigarettes to be too much, too fast and hellishly smelly besides. They're like shots of tequila when what you really want is to savor a nice glass of port or fine whiskey.
Never took a liking to cigars.
But pipes... I recently got the itch again and decided to scratch it. Sure glad there's so much helpful information and advice on the web, or I'd be scorching my tongue and choking on flakes again!
Other interests: low-tech photography and backyard astronomy (especially looking at the Sun). Got two young kids, a wonderful wife, an old house, a reliable car and no complaints.