Here are some of the acronyms as they were posted a while back.
I copied and saved this.
I'll leave the contributors' names on the list.
G&H: Gawtih and Haggarth
PS: Peter Stokkebye
C&D: Cornell and Diehl
McCl: McClelland
Other Abbreviations
DF: Dark Fired
FC: Flue Cured
SG = Samuel Gawith
FVF = Full Virginia Flake
GLP = G.L. Pease
Sav = Savinelli
MacB = Mac Baren
BBF = Best Brown Flake
H&H = Hearth & Home
CBW- Captain Black White
CBB- Captain Black Blue
CBG- Captain Black Gold
CBC- Captain Black Cherry
PA- Prince Albert
½&½ - Half & Half
Nabbed this from another forum
965 - Dunhill My Mixture 965
1792 - SG 1792 Flake
5100 - McClelland's 5100
BBF - SG Best Brown Flake
BC - Butz-Choquin Pipes
BCF - GH Bob's Choc Flake
BFP � C&D Baileys Front Porch
B&M - Brick and Mortar, i.e. an actual tobacco store, rather than an online shop.
CAO � A Brand of Meerschaum Pipes
C&D - Cornell & Diehl Tobacco Co.
CH - Carter Hall Tobacco (An OTC)
DBE - GH Dark Bird's Eye
DGT - Delayed Gratification Technique
DH - Dunhill
DLF - Dunhill Light Flake
DLNR - Dunhill Deluxe Navy Rolls
EMP - Dunhill Early Morning Pipe
ERR - Edgeworth Ready Rubbed- sometimes ERRd
FM - McClelland Frog Morton
FMOTB - McClelland Frog Morton On The Bayou.
FMOTT - McClelland Frog Morton On The Town.
FNG - Forum New Guy
FOG - Forum Old Guy
FVF - SG Full Virginia Flake
GH or G&H - Gawith & Hoggarth Tobacco Co.
GLP - G.L. Pease Tobacco
HB � C&D Haunted Bookshop
HCA - Hans Christian Anderson, a line of pipes made by Stanwell Pipes
H&H- Hearth & Home
HOTW - Rattray's Hal o' the Wind
HOW - House of Windsor
KW � Kaywoodie Pipes
LBF or PSLBF - Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bulls Eye Flake
LNF or PSLNF - Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake
LTF or PSLTF - Peter Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake
McB � Mac Baren Tobacco Co.
McC - McClelland Tobacco Co.
MM - Missouri Meerschaum Corncob Pipe
NAC - North American Carvers (Pipe Makers from North America)
OG - Rattray's Old Gowrie
OGS � Orliks Golden Sliced
OJK � C&D Old Joe Krantz
OTC - Over the Counter (i.e. Drugstore Tobacco Blends)
PA - Prince Albert Tobacco (An OTC)
PAD - Pipe Acquisition Disorder
PS - Peter Stokkebye
P&W or PW - Pipeworks & Wilke
SG - Samuel Gawith Tobacco Co.
SL � SG Squadron Leader
SMS � A Brand of Meerschaum Pipes
SMM - Dunhill Standard Mixture Medium
SWR - Sir Walter Raleigh (An OTC)
TAD - Tobacco Acquisition Disorder
YMMV - Your mileage may vary.
BC GL Pease Barbary Coast
B&M Brick & Mortar. An actual tobacco shop, as opposed to an online store
CCP Gawith & Hoggarth's Conniston Cut Plug
DBE Gawith & Hoggarth's Dark Birdseye
DGT Delayed Gratification Technique. Any pipe bowl that's been set down partway-through and picked up later
EMP Dunhill's Early Morning Pipe
FMOTB McClelland's Frog Morton On The Bayou
FMOTT McClelland's Frog Morton On The Town
FVF Samuel Gawith's Full Virginia Flake
GH Gawith & Hoggarth, as in GH DBE
HOTW Rattray's Hal O' The Wynd
LSW Long-Suffering Wife
MB Mac Baren
McC McClelland
OJK Cornell & Diehl Old Joe Krantz
PAD Pipe Acquisition Disorder
PS LBF Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake
PS LTF Peter Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake
SG Samuel Gawith, as in SG 1792
SWMBO She Who Must Be Obeyed, i.e., wife or girlfriend
TAD Tobacco Acquisition Disorder
Hope this helps.