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Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 11, 2010
Nice collections Shoto.
Where's the Prince Albert? 2 Cobs and no PA? C'mon man.
That McConells Scottish Cake is supposed to be a very fine VaPer. A guy in some other forum did a several months long VaPer "contest" and, if I recall, Scottish cake was the winner among maybe 3 dozen VaPers he tried.
So which is your favorite smoker the Pete or the Sav?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 15, 2010
lol--whats a PA? sorry new to acronyms here.
ya i heard the scottish cake was good but didnt crack it open yet might give a month or two cellaring.
Favorite smoke so far is the Sav. The Peterson went through some serious salt stuff so i might smoke it nextweek after the FVF comes in the mail.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 11, 2010
PA= Prince Albert. The classic drug store burley sort of goes with the cob.
The salt goes nice with Dark Bullseye. I bathed an Ebay Edwards a couple days ago and wanted to put it in immediate service.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Here are some of the acronyms as they were posted a while back.

I copied and saved this.

I'll leave the contributors' names on the list.

G&H: Gawtih and Haggarth

PS: Peter Stokkebye

C&D: Cornell and Diehl

McCl: McClelland

Other Abbreviations

DF: Dark Fired

FC: Flue Cured

SG = Samuel Gawith

FVF = Full Virginia Flake

GLP = G.L. Pease

Sav = Savinelli

MacB = Mac Baren

BBF = Best Brown Flake

H&H = Hearth & Home

CBW- Captain Black White

CBB- Captain Black Blue

CBG- Captain Black Gold

CBC- Captain Black Cherry

PA- Prince Albert

½&½ - Half & Half

Nabbed this from another forum

965 - Dunhill My Mixture 965

1792 - SG 1792 Flake

5100 - McClelland's 5100

BBF - SG Best Brown Flake

BC - Butz-Choquin Pipes

BCF - GH Bob's Choc Flake

BFP � C&D Baileys Front Porch

B&M - Brick and Mortar, i.e. an actual tobacco store, rather than an online shop.

CAO � A Brand of Meerschaum Pipes

C&D - Cornell & Diehl Tobacco Co.

CH - Carter Hall Tobacco (An OTC)

DBE - GH Dark Bird's Eye

DGT - Delayed Gratification Technique

DH - Dunhill

DLF - Dunhill Light Flake

DLNR - Dunhill Deluxe Navy Rolls

EMP - Dunhill Early Morning Pipe

ERR - Edgeworth Ready Rubbed- sometimes ERRd

FM - McClelland Frog Morton

FMOTB - McClelland Frog Morton On The Bayou.

FMOTT - McClelland Frog Morton On The Town.

FNG - Forum New Guy

FOG - Forum Old Guy

FVF - SG Full Virginia Flake

GH or G&H - Gawith & Hoggarth Tobacco Co.

GLP - G.L. Pease Tobacco

HB � C&D Haunted Bookshop

HCA - Hans Christian Anderson, a line of pipes made by Stanwell Pipes

H&H- Hearth & Home

HOTW - Rattray's Hal o' the Wind

HOW - House of Windsor

KW � Kaywoodie Pipes

LBF or PSLBF - Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bulls Eye Flake

LNF or PSLNF - Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake

LTF or PSLTF - Peter Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake

McB � Mac Baren Tobacco Co.

McC - McClelland Tobacco Co.

MM - Missouri Meerschaum Corncob Pipe

NAC - North American Carvers (Pipe Makers from North America)

OG - Rattray's Old Gowrie

OGS � Orliks Golden Sliced

OJK � C&D Old Joe Krantz

OTC - Over the Counter (i.e. Drugstore Tobacco Blends)

PA - Prince Albert Tobacco (An OTC)

PAD - Pipe Acquisition Disorder

PS - Peter Stokkebye

P&W or PW - Pipeworks & Wilke

SG - Samuel Gawith Tobacco Co.

SL � SG Squadron Leader

SMS � A Brand of Meerschaum Pipes

SMM - Dunhill Standard Mixture Medium

SWR - Sir Walter Raleigh (An OTC)

TAD - Tobacco Acquisition Disorder

YMMV - Your mileage may vary.

BC GL Pease Barbary Coast

B&M Brick & Mortar. An actual tobacco shop, as opposed to an online store

CCP Gawith & Hoggarth's Conniston Cut Plug

DBE Gawith & Hoggarth's Dark Birdseye

DGT Delayed Gratification Technique. Any pipe bowl that's been set down partway-through and picked up later

EMP Dunhill's Early Morning Pipe

FMOTB McClelland's Frog Morton On The Bayou

FMOTT McClelland's Frog Morton On The Town

FVF Samuel Gawith's Full Virginia Flake

GH Gawith & Hoggarth, as in GH DBE

HOTW Rattray's Hal O' The Wynd

LSW Long-Suffering Wife

MB Mac Baren

McC McClelland

OJK Cornell & Diehl Old Joe Krantz

PAD Pipe Acquisition Disorder

PS LBF Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake

PS LTF Peter Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake

SG Samuel Gawith, as in SG 1792

SWMBO She Who Must Be Obeyed, i.e., wife or girlfriend

TAD Tobacco Acquisition Disorder
Hope this helps.



Mar 27, 2010
Lawrence... Thanks for the list I was struggling with some of the posting and this will be a big help. I did know many beyond LOL, BS, and SOB.
Now regarding the stashes being posted... I'm embarrassed to say that most if not all of them make mine look nonexistent and I've been at this a lot long than some of them.
Shotokun16... very impressive!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 15, 2010
wow pstlpkr--i felt like that was a list of code names, football plans, sports talk, chemistry chart, native code breaker talk and a legend for map reading. Very much appreciated.



Apr 20, 2010
Just incredible stuff herein. I aspire to obtain a stash like those, lawdy. If I were to buy in bulk for storage, about how cool do I need the room or area for storage? Like, I read to keep it around 60-70degrees farenheit, but what if it's around 75 degrees in a cool area, will that ruin it? I also don't understand how to measure humidity, is it extremely important?



Can't Leave
Dec 29, 2009
Nice stash shoto. That ought to keep you puffing awhile till TAD and PAD set in bad. Before long your stash will be growing.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 15, 2010
i unno--guys im coughing a lot and i dont even inhale! i doing something wrong? The stonehaven is kicking my butt.
But anyways have a good monday you guys!



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
As you can see your mutt mix is on the left between the mason jars and the bulk . The country store that Lawrance sent is in the center . About three years to collect all this .Most are gifts and five are freebies . My TAD is bad .

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