Heat the stinger with a lighter. Then, using pliers, reclock it. Easy peasy.
I’ve not tried heating with a lighter.
Thanks for the tip.
I’ve tried boiling hot water, which oxidizes the stem.
A Lee joining method could be argued to be a copy of a Kaywoodie, but a Lee has four improvements.
1. Lees had a recessed mortise that cannot be distinguished from a push stem.
2. A Lee mortise is threaded and later, also glued. It stays put.
3. The Lee stinger is a separate, removable part.
4. Both a Lee and a Kaywoodie had to have shank and stem aligned in order to finish the pipe, especially on a square shanked bulldog. Kaywoodie then re clocked new pipes with the stem and bit turned slightly to the left, to allow them to wear in. Lee did exactly the same thing. But Kaywoodie must have glued their tenons, where Lee left them without glue.
To re clock a Kaywoodie, I’ve found heat, cussing, and hopes and prayers are required. I’ve ruined several in the attempt.
Re clocking a Lee only requires pliers. I’ve had 100% success at it.