I must say, I'm very envious of some of these setups. But the kids start moving out in a just a few years so maybe I'll get my smoking room. As it is right now, my cellar is the top case of one of those...pieces of furniture with the huge top cabinet and the bottom drawers. Like a large stretched out curio cabinet filled with jars and tins living in the basement (or "cellar"). My pipe storage is a couple racks on the top shelf of the closet by the front door. The rest of the shelves are my open jar/tin rotation.

It's not sophisticated nor anything I'm excited to show off. Instead it's beauty is in its utilitarianism. It's right by the front door. That means I'm right there to my porch swing for maximum outdoors enjoyment. There's a very pleasant if soft pipe tobacco aroma as you walk into my house. And that's all the room I have, so it keeps PAD in control. Ok, fine. It channels is energy to the TAD side of things.

It's not sophisticated nor anything I'm excited to show off. Instead it's beauty is in its utilitarianism. It's right by the front door. That means I'm right there to my porch swing for maximum outdoors enjoyment. There's a very pleasant if soft pipe tobacco aroma as you walk into my house. And that's all the room I have, so it keeps PAD in control. Ok, fine. It channels is energy to the TAD side of things.