Never say never. The police state is encroaching, little by little, but it advances nonetheless. In Canada cops no longer need a warrant to raid you: all they need is the suspicion of crime. Thus, if tobacco becomes illegal, all they need is the suspicion of possession. The legalisation of pot was a master stroke by the reds to expand police powers: cops now can pull you over whenever they want, even if you're driving perfectly fine, and demand, yes demand, you take a breathaliser and mouth swab test for substances; if you refuse, which, technically, is within your 'rights' to do, you'll be fined and might even get your car impounded. You guys south of the 49th parallel should take a closer look at the neo-stalinist BS that is happening up here in a so-called 'democracy', and stop flying through the clouds of optimism. A lot of things are being done nowadays that even the most crazed conspiracy crackpot would have dismissed as utter phantasy 10 years ago.