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Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
I saw this type of thing coming for well over a decade. I even wrote an article about the strategy they were using back in 2009:



Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
I saw this type of thing coming for well over a decade. I even wrote an article about the strategy they were using back in 2009:

Most definitely! I've seen it happen right here: users demonising and snubbig cigarette smokers, as if they were somehow better because they don't inhale. It's, at the very least, extremely bad form and taste; at worst, it's helping those who hate us. Whilst I believe, maintain, claim, and proclaim that pipe smoker is indeed healthier that's no reason to be abusing those who prefer cigarettes.


Feb 1, 2010
Someone has to care ‘bout the lil chillerns!

So many underage pipe smokers ??‍♂️. Honestly, their demand has really driven up prices across the board. And those snotty rich kids with their Dunhills ?, riding around on their bikes leaving the smell of Latakia in their wake.

It's true. I can't tell you how many times I've heard "Hey Mister, buy me a tin of GLP Pease? You can keep the change." when I walk into the tobacco shop and then I look down and there is some 7th grader just jonesing for a nice English.


Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Some pipe and cigar smokers actually blame cigarette smokers for all of the anti tobacco laws that are put in place. This is preposterous. The reason that cigarette smokers were the first ones attacked by the antis is because cigarettes are the largest and most popular form of tobacco used these days.
That's a big 10-4!

It's a very foul bird the one that soils its own nest. Truth is that cigarettes are the mainstay of the tobacco industry. To be dissing them and those who smoke them is not unlike being a pompous snob and slamming those crappy aromatics: news flash: it's those soggy blends that constitute over 90% of the pipe tobacco sales and keep the industry going.


Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 23, 2019

Out of 116 cosponsors I only counted 1 or 2 Republicans so its definitely not bipartisan. I don't think Mitch McConnell even brings this up for a vote in the Senate if it passes the House.

Of course they'll find another means to get it thru eventually.


Jun 3, 2015
Guys, tobacco is the tip of the iceberg. All of these anti freedom( doesn’t matter whether you smoke or not, how many constituents smoke or not, blah blah) ideological mechanism’s will reach out into every citizen’s life. We already have soda bans, gun bans (this one is Macdaddy/DaddyMac) fat bans, fuel bans, Carbon bans, Color Bans(on college campuses), etc etc etc.

Tobacco doesn’t dumb you down, make you lazy, eat until the grease metabolizes into pimples, and easy as hell to enter your child’s pipe on a street corner near you. (So much for the Children, we are trying to Legalize pot as fast as we can destroy tobacco)

Perhaps because:

Tobacco stimulates and Increases thought. Those two qualities equal banning material. (little pro tobacco propaganda). ?


Feb 1, 2010
That's a big 10-4!

It's a very foul bird the one that soils its own nest. Truth is that cigarettes are the mainstay of the tobacco industry. To be dissing them and those who smoke them is not unlike being a pompous snob and slamming those crappy aromatics: news flash: it's those soggy blends that constitute over 90% of the pipe tobacco sales and keep the industry going.

Agreed. It’s like Americans ragging on Canadians. Their practically Americans anyway and one day when we need more parking space, they will be. So when you see a Canadian, buy them a Tim Horton’s cruller and a coffee. Give them a hug and ruffle their hair and say “You matter big guy!” It helps make them feel important instead of marginalized.


Jun 3, 2015
Long Live Rush?
Agreed. It’s like Americans ragging on Canadians. Their practically Americans anyway and one day when we need more parking space, they will be. So when you see a Canadian, buy them a Tim Horton’s cruller and a coffee. Give them a hug and ruffle their hair and say “You matter big guy!” It helps make them feel important instead of marginalized.
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