Hello, I'm a professor, husband, and father in my mid-thirties. I enjoy food and whiskey, but until recently my smoking experience consisted of only a single cigar. I consider cigarettes a dangerous and disgusting habit, but I'm more lenient toward cigars and definitely intrigued by pipes. I admit that my interest has been at least partially motivated by the aroma of others' pipes, but I'm also one to read extensively about a hobby before diving in. What I've read about chemical additives makes me more wary of aromatic tobaccos. I recently purchased the following pipe
I also purchased a brass Zippo pipe lighter, Czech pipe tool, pipe cleaners, and a leather pouch to hold it all. For my first tobaccos, I chose Frog Morton and Dunhill Flake. I have smoked one bowl of the Frog Morton while the Dunhill Flake remains unopened. I don't expect to smoke more than once per week, and I am unlikely to amass a collection of pipes. I may pick up a second or third pipe as I learn more about how different tobaccos affect them, but I've already experienced enough runaway hobbies to make me take a more minimalist approach to this one. Just like with my bourbon hobby, I'm more interested in exploring variety than in finding a "best" or favorite tobacco, and I look forward to your recommendations. I have two (sort of) questions:
1. How would you compare the following three forums: pipesmokersforum.com, tampandpuff.com, and pipesmagazine.com? Is any one the best? If so, why?
2. How would you compare Pipes Magazine with Pipes and Tobaccos Magazine? Is one better? If so, why?
I ask these questions because I work 60-80 hours per week and will likely not have time to actively read all of these. Thanks.