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Apr 25, 2014
hullo, I'm Rorie mac from northeast Pennsylvania, you know where we have all four seasons, almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction. I've been smoking pipes for about a year now and ive been lurking on this site for about 3 months. I like hanging out on my porch and smoking old toby while I listen to some led zepplin and enjoy the noreastern winters. thats about it from me though.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 4, 2014
Greetings all! My first pipe was a MM cob packed way too tightly with Captain Black Cherry. Smoked too fast, too wet, and burned up my tongue pretty good but I really enjoyed it. Lol. Started piping 8 or 9 years ago but only consistently for about a year or two. In that short time I managed to get my hands on 19 pipes and about 10lbs of tobacco. TAD hit me pretty hard early on and I have a pretty addictive personality. Good news is that my cellar has a decent amount of age to it. Bad news is that I'm finding myself enjoying Virginia blends over English blends the latter of which makes up about 80% of my cellar. Looking forward to making some trades later on. In the meantime really enjoying my daily bowl listening to the radio show



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 29, 2014
FNG here, from Houston.

I started smoking cigars last September when I joined the redneck country club over in Stafford.

But I only smoked once every couple weekends or so.

I met a pipe smoker there and thought I'd give it a try.
I still prefer $35 briar I bought at the beginning vs the savinelli ginger I purchased a couple weeks ago.

Oh well, I guess it looks cool.



Nov 29, 2013
Hey there, I'm from Brazil.

I started smoking 'em nails when I was seventeen or something like that in parties and at friend gatherings, and moved on to pipes when I turned eighteen.
I don't really understand why, but here, quality pipes are inexplicably cheaper than up there, from my observations, but fine tobacco is very very hard to find...

Oh, woe is me, indeed.

May 1, 2014
Hey. I've been lurking on this site for a while and decided on a whim to make an account. I've had an on-and-off interest in pipes over the past several months, and finally I bought one. A couple of days ago, I smoked my first pipe tobacco, just a simple bulk French Vanilla. I have a lot to learn about it, but it's quite fun so far. We'll see what becomes of this!



May 4, 2014
Hello I am 44 Years old and have been enjoying the pipe for almost 2 years now. Was actually just introduced to this site today so i look forward to participating in the forums. My favorite pipes are my mortas but i also have a love for unusual and unique pipes such as my British Buttner.



Might Stick Around
May 4, 2014
Noob here. Been smoking. Cigars for years. Started smoking a pipe a couple of years back, but didn't get serious until recently. Here to learn



May 5, 2014
Been lurking since PM started. Was a member at SF for 10 years and a mod over at SF for the last year, just left the team last week and decided to join up as a member here. I look forward to contributing to discussions when I can.



May 6, 2014
Hello from Belgium!

Hi everybody, my name is David and i've 41 years old, Like all GOOD Belgians i love Beer, Chocolate and Waffles lol, but nothing is better than one good pipe.

I like read your forum and the great site (realy i love it) and I love speak English too, unfortunly my English is not perfect but i work it. And i think here are the good place to share our passion and learn each others. :)




May 7, 2014
Hello all,
My name is Joey I am 35. I live just north of Houston Tx. I have been married for 14 years, I have been a father for 9 years. I have three daughters. I have been a pipe smoker for just over a year and I am still a noob. I have read these forums many times and wanted to finally join. Thanks for all the good advice in the past.
- joeylapetina



Might Stick Around
Mar 13, 2012
Thought I best say hi after reading the forum for some months now.
I'm James from Norwich UK
Currently smoking falcon straight usually smoke mick mcquaid plug which I enjoy and have dabbled with some different aromatics but would certainly like some advise on good tobaccos to try as there is too many to choose from.



Might Stick Around
May 8, 2014
Hi everyone, I have been puffing on cigars for about 10 years now. And I now I finally decided to try pipes. So far, I have enjoyed pipes way more than I ever have cigars. So far this has been a great forum!



May 8, 2014
Hello,I started smoking a pipe a few months ago and have not had a cigarette since.I am totally digging smoking a pipe.At first it was difficult to adjust,wrong pipe wrong tobacco bad cadence etc..I started observing the youtube pipe community and noticed tons of cool people just enjoying their hobby.A whole new world opened up before my eyes and I found out there are a lot of pipe smokers out there,since I have been looking for a way to get more interaction,youtubers are brave souls just putting it out there.So I am a newbie and would like to be part of a community someday.



May 9, 2014
United States

I'm kinda new to pipe smoking though I come from a family who does. I didn't take up the lifestyle again until a year or two ago. My dad has passed away years ago and I found his old pipes. They're fairly nice quality compared to others I've seen. They don't heat up in the bowl as others I've tried have. I am obviously no expert but I do seem to tend toward the strong flavored natural tobacco. I read a great discussion on here that recommended some of the stronger types. I only remember 2 Pirate kake and ten Russians. If anyone knows that thread please send it to me because I can't find it. I want to use it as a guide for my next five tobacco orders.

Thanks guys




Starting to Get Obsessed
May 13, 2014
Hi y'all, I'm new to pipes and forums. Any tips on pretty much anything would be of tremendous help. If you have any questions, feel absolutely free to ask. I really have no idea what else to say except that I am very nearly awestruck by the generosity, general kindness, depth of knowledge, and how close knit this group of people are, that has been presented thus far in the posts that I have read. Also, I sincerely hope to be a fantastic addition to this forum. Thank you in advance for whatever knowledge you will share.





Starting to Get Obsessed
May 14, 2014
Boise, ID
Howdy! I've been smoking pipe for a few months now and have been lurking on this forum for awhile too. I thought it was time I signed up and introduced myself!
I live in Boise, Idaho and love to homebrew, drink fine scotch/bourbon, eat good food, and, when I can, do things that can take my mind off my day-to-day stresses. Hence one of the reasons I started with a pipe. I've got a couple pipes (Rossi Rubino bent egg and MM cob) and a friend and I have been sharing/sampling a bunch of tobaccos, mostly aromatics and virginias. He just got the Sutlif English sampler and those are not really my style quite yet. I like really pleasant room note tobaccos that have a sweeter taste. My favorite so far is Molto Dolce from Sutlif.
Looking forward to learning more and getting to know you guys!



May 14, 2014
Hiya my name is Jason I'm 27 and live in sask canada. I been smoking a pipe off and on for about a year ago and now decided to get more into the lifestyle for it. I have 2 pipes 1 being a corncob that I just got and am breaking in and the other one is a s&t from Italy. I mostly like the sweeter tobaccos to



May 15, 2014
Hello to one and all,

My name is Dustin and I have been an on and off pipe and cigar smoker since the mid 90's. For a while, I gravitated towards cigars but came back to pipes after a brief hiatus. I tend to be an occasional smoker, preferring to have the time and place to enjoy myself. Often this ends up being my back deck or lawn after the young ones are in bed. I also like to keep a small bowled pipe for a quicker smoke during show intermissions or after a nice meal. I tend to prefer mellow to medium tobaccos that still display some complexity.



Apr 22, 2014
My name is Phil. I live in southeast Virginia. I am currently active duty military and will be transferring to Northeast Florida soon. I just started smoking pipes about 4 months ago.

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