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May 28, 2014
Hello Everyone,
I started smoking a pipe around 2002, then things just came up and I had to put it on hold a while. Now 2014, I bought a pipe from the PX (Post Exchange). Oh, I guess I should say that I am in the military currently stationed in Hawaii. Anyway, I am glad I found this site as to I am trying to determine what Tobacco I enjoy. Currently I am smoking Smokers Pride due to that is the only one the PX sells. I am a kind of a crafty guy and like to make things. Here in HI I do not have much room or tool due to military moves, but the things I can make I will try and share with everyone to get any and all ideas. I am also amazed at all the sponsors that support this site. I have visited many of the sites and just recently placed my first order. I am looking forward to hearing form everyone on things to try. I have one year left here and will hopefully move to a location that has a B&M for some true smoking atmosphere. I am working on getting off the cigarettes and sole using the pipe. Thank you all for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself and be a part of the community.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 7, 2014
Hi everyone, great to meet all of you. Been creeping around the site a bit already. I figure I should join up :).



Jul 28, 2011
Hello all! Not a new member, just never introduced myself,from Dallas Texas. 62 yrs old, 3 kids (2 at home). Started Pipe smoking in 1970 in GA (home state). Amassed a large collection of pipes but after my 2nd wife developed asthma I "lost" them all around 1999 (makes me weep to think about it Sad ). Started up again in 2010, now have app 40 pipes (enough to cycle thru 1 a day for over a month). Prefer English blends (I actually worked part time for a mall based Tinderbox back when that chain existed and remember the white and black can versions of the original (pre 1975) Balkan Sobranie, (white can was my fav)). Currently working on a can of Seattle Pipe Clubs "Seattle Evening", an 8 OZ jar of Esoterica's Penzance and a small jar of Peter Stokkebeye's Proper English.



Jun 3, 2014
Hey all,
My name's Leon. I'm originally from TN, but moved to FL in 2012. I'm 26 and have been smoking for about 8 years now. I started mainly in cigars, but have grown to love pipes just as much, so it's about a 50/50 hobby now (which is not cheap...). :)
Anyways, I joined looking for a local pipe club and hoping to find a local pipe shop, but the latter was to no avail. Regardless, hope everyone has a great day with a great bowl!



Jun 9, 2014
Hi there!!

Jack here from Malaysia. Is just a month experience in pipe smoking hobby. Had a Stanwell zebrano bulldog with me.

Is really hard to find more variety of pipes and tobacco in Malaysia. but anyways, is really happy to start a pipe smoking hobby!! Thanks for the information and reviews in this forum!! Cheers!!



Jun 10, 2014
Hello all,
My name is Jordan and I'm new to the site and sort of new to pipes. While I've been enjoying my tobacco in Cigars for the better part of a decade, I picked up the pipe on a trip to Dublin in March and have been obsessed ever since. I'm a big kind of hobby guy and my current passions are; brewing beer, my '72 Plymouth Roadrunner and pipes. I've been serving in the U.S. Military for over ten years now and am currently stationed in Spain with my Wife, our Bulldog and our 2 week old Son.
Of my Pipes I currently have the following;

*Peterson Darwin premier

*Peterson racing green tankard

*Nording abstract bent Dublin

*Peterson Fathers Day 2014 606

*Missouri Meerscham cobs x3

*Peterson bent billiard sandblasted rosslare silver spigot (on the way)
Currently my favorite tobacco's are;

Frog Mortons Cellar

Esoterica Tilbury

Lane 1Q

C&D Epiphany

Samuel Gawith Firedance Flake
I'm currently in the process of burning through samples to expand my horizon of tobacco. I'm finding so far that I like a bit of burley and I like a bit of latakia. I love them both to be in balance though. Lane 1Q and an unnamed vanilla flavored aromatic are the only two aromatics I've enjoyed so far. The majority of my preferences have leaned towards English's and VaBur's. I recently tried Solani's Aged Burley Flake using the fold and stuff method and while I liked it a bit, it was really hard to get right. I might try it again rubbing that one out.
Thanks for having me and I look forward to enjoying the forums with you all.



Jun 11, 2014
Hello everyone. New member and pipe smoker here. Smoked my first bowl today and managed to keep it going for an hour with just two lights. I think it's due to beginners luck and the fact that there's so much brilliant advice on here. I hope to become part of the community ASAP!
Thanks again!



Jun 12, 2014

New member here, although I've been lurking around for a few months I felt like it was time to start posting. I smoked cigs for a few years after high school, tried vaping and hookahs and found that I didn't much care for them. I tried everything else so I figured why not give the pipe a try. A rare thing in hawaii, I've never once seen a pipe smoker before. Honestly, I didn't enjoy it one bit at first, but I'm glad I stuck with it and have this forum to thank. I've learned a lot already and hope to learn a lot more from the other members here.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 15, 2014
I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Andy I began smoking a pipe, oh, about a week ago. I have no idea why. Perhaps I wanted to live dangerously. I'm 56 years old, and this is about as dangerous as I get. I'm an avid exerciser and I eat amazingly healthy food. I've never smoked before in my life. I have no idea why I am doing this. I'm a bit old for a mid-life crisis. I've now smoked two tiny bowls of tobacco.
My first tobacco experience was a bowl of Prince Albert in a Missouri Meershaum. This must be the tiniest pipe made. Well, the P.I. tasted like smoke. That's about all I could say about it. In fact, it was pretty much awful.
So I went back to the local tobacco shop and they let me sniff their various top-end tobacco that they sell (which I would guess is mid-range at best). I settled on the one that smelled the best to me: mild, but with a hint of a pleasant fragrance. They call it Danish something or other. Just smoked a bowl of this new tobacco in the Missouri, and though not top-shelf tobacco, I can understand why you all enjoy a bowl of tobacco. It tasted far better than Prince Albert.
That being said, I must admit that even after brushing my teeth and tongue my mouth tastes like a battalion marched through it. So the smoke itself was fine, but what has come after is less than pleasant. My mouth smoke.
I purchased a Dr. Grabow as my next pipe - as the Missour Meershaum just isn't really me. Haven't filled it yet. If I decide pipe smoking is something I want to do, I'll give the Grabow a try. If that goes well, I would graduate on to a Savinelli 320 that I have my eye on.
But first I need to understand why the smoke itself was very pleasant and relaxing, but the aftertaste is less than pleasant.
I guess, in closing, I'll say that this is quite out of character for me to smoke anything. I'm sure my wife is a bit perplexed by it. My college student daughter seems to think it's a late rebellion. Anyway, just wanted to say hello.
Best regards - and to those of you who are fathers, a very happy Father's Day.



Jun 15, 2014
Hello, my name is James. I'm a newish pipe smoker after having switched from cigarettes... I cannot understand why more people don't smoke pipes!



Jun 16, 2014
Hey you guys, new member here, thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Derik, 22 years old, from beautiful Virginia Beach. I'm a cigarette smokers (hoping to quit) who discovered pipe smoking last June. I've been lurking on the site since then and have found the online pipe smoking community to be comprised of some pretty awesome people. Excited to be member!



Jun 18, 2014
Hi this is srinivas, I started smoking pipe about two weeks ago, after been hunting several months for a Briar Pipe to buy in India. Eventually I could get three Vintage Estate Dunhills(1924, 1947, 1975) and one "British Briar". This is not the end, again, unlike the west, here there is no blended pipe tobacco importers & suppliers. Right now I am smoking the Indian grown Virginia's. Enjoying and loving a lot.



Jun 20, 2014
Hey all,
My name is Hess and I turned 18 back in 2013. Smoked my first bowl back in February in a small oak pipe that I made myself. I'm loving the lifestyle that I've adopted with pipe smoking, except people tend to question why a young man like me would pick up something like pipe smoking haha. Despite the perceptions of my generation, some of us can appreciate the opportunity to be away from our smart phones and computers. I love hanging out with friends but I always enjoy a little "me-time" and so I figured what better way to enjoy the outdoors than with a pipe full of some fine baccy?
I primarily smoke virginia's but I'm expanding my palette to include some english blends. I have a few briars but I always go back to my Missouri Meerschaum Freehand. I am very happy to be a member of this community and I look forward to engaging with my fellow pipe smokers. Long live the new generation of pipesmokers! :puffy:



Jun 20, 2014
Just joined the forum today though I've been viewing the comments for a short while though. It was a pleasure meeting SSJones and Toby at the store this morning in New Orleans.



Might Stick Around
Jun 21, 2014
My name is James and I am a pipeoholic. I picked it up after bootcamp back in '87. Left it for lung nails, then quit smoking all together 15 years later. Picked up cigars and my pipe a few years after that, mostly my cigars and the occasional cigarette.
About 2 years ago I decided to get back into my pipes. TAD and PAD has been an addiction, as well as a drain on storage space :puffy:
While I still enjoy my cigars, I have really come to appreciate the tobacco I have been introduced to on this and other forums. My intro to baccy,as has been others, was the good ole' Captain.



Jun 23, 2014
Hey there. I'm Dale from Georgia. 22 years old, started pipe smoking at 19. I found this site through google searches (just clicking the best images) and now I've signed up so that when i want to comment I can. I love Nightcap, Blackhouse, and the Frog Morton blends (as well as Carter Hall). Nice to meet all of you.



Jun 20, 2014
Hello all. 25 years old, been smoking pipes occasionally since a friend introduced me to in college. Recently its become a more regular habit (or slight obsession), since I inherited my great grandfather's pipe collection a few months ago, and decided I wanted to learn all the ins and outs of both smoking and estate restoration. I've learned a ton just from browsing the forums here, so I thought it time to make myself part of the community. I look forward to talkin' tobacco with all of you.

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