Let's Have Some Fun! Tobaccos You HATE!

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 22, 2013
Anything with whiskey or cherry flavors. I cant stand ANY Captain Black, Amphora shouldn't make tobacco because its just that bad. I can't stand the smell or taste of Borkum Riff anymore, Sail should change their name to Sh*t. I used to smoke all 4 of these about 10yr ago and since I've tried better blends I can never go back to this crap. Mr. B's (Brigham) Morning Pleasure says it prepares your pallate for the day, I just ended up with tounge bite so bad I couldn't smoke anything for two days and my tounge felt like it was on fire when I brushed my teeth! I returned the tobacco to the store and traded it for some of their Vanilla and got the same result, I just threw it in the garbage. I didn't want to give it away because it was just THAT bad. I guess that's about it. I will only smoke quality, trusted blends from now on. I want to enjoy my pipes not be disappointed with the manure from the 'drug store' brands.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 22, 2013
I have Erinmore Mixture and I don't really like it either. Their flake is 'ok' but not favored by me. I have let them both sit in mason jars for about a month and nothing really changed. I'm thinking of giving it away to a friend .



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 24, 2010
Stanwell Melange (which someone mentioned already) made me sneeze, yes, sneeze, for hours! What the hell is that all about??? Worst tobacco ever.
Also, and I know I'll get flak for this, Squadron Leader tastes like (what I imagine) the sweaty socks of a drill sargeant would taste like. Horrible stuff. And I love English blends! LOVE Latakia!
Actually, I've had a few SG tobaccos and they've all been pretty disappointing. Maybe I just need to try some more, but I can understand how the original poster would be scared away from an entire brand.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 21, 2012
I'm with you on the Squadron Leader sorringowl or Blackhouse. Not my thing at all!!!
Just by that one tobacco I was about to write off SG myself. Love the Full Virginia Flake and I am going to try a few others. Give a few more a try before you give up. It may just be the way SL is blended that doesn't agree with us! :puffy:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 10, 2013
Middleton's cherry blend has got to be the worst for me. Man that stuff burns my mouth badly. Given the choice of taking a mouth full of ammonia, or a mouth of molten steel, or smoking MCB. Wait give me a minute, I need to consider the choices. I'd rather smoke a can of Blue Boar.



Might Stick Around
Apr 10, 2013
C & D Bow-Legged Bear was the biggest tobacco disappointment I've ever had. Not sure that I hate it, but I disliked it enough to not want to smoke any more of it. Maybe I had a bad tin, but it tasted to me like a mixture of scorched cardboard and stale cheap cigar.



Nov 12, 2012
This Drug store Irish Blend. Opened it up and it smelled like Grape Big League chew gum. Tried some and well it tasted like the way dried cat piss smells. Didn't even get through the first bowl. I throw up a little in my mouth just thinking about it now.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 19, 2013
I can usually find something redeeming about every tobacco I have smoked. Presbyterian, however, is one of my least favorites.



Mar 19, 2013
Newminster Blackberry Brandy. Gave it to a friend and he liked it. No accounting for tastes.
I haven't been able to get past the smell of Squadron Leader when I open it, so it remains unsmoked. Maybe around the campfire later this month . . .



Mar 19, 2013
Got my can of C&D Evening Rise today along with 2 MM cob pipes. With great anticipation I popped the top and promptly gagged. Tossed it in "friends" bag. Thankfully I have 2 friends with no taste buds.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
I can't believe I would ever pan a Virginia Flake -- especially one with this tin description:
Bright leaf serving as the base is typical of the tobaccos grown in this region, while beautiful Red Virginias lend it sweetness and structure. Perique and a dash of exotic Izmir leaf complete this complex, satisfying flake.
...must be a personal chemistry thing. (I can't believe I actually got a "bad tin".)



Can't Leave
Apr 16, 2013
Super Value....ugh.
Velvet, because I don't like it enough to order it by mail, and I can't find it in the damn stores anymore.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 3, 2012
Grousemoor. Thought I would love. Turns out it is just my grandma's potpourri in a tin.

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