I've never had tobacco I've regretted at least trying, nothing that bad. I have an occasional bowl of Capt. Black w/bourbon or Borkum Riff, though
my pouch comes from Holland and may be a slightly better blend. My one blind spot may be Mac Baren. I've not connected with a tin of that
I like. Their Navy Mixture has a too many tobaccos and too much bite, though I'm still aging it to see if I can at least see the up-side. It's
tolerable in a filter MM or Grabow. I like the several English and Balkan blends I rotate, and a number of aromatics that aren't overdone with
the dressing. I want the tobacco flavor up front, complemented by the rum, vanilla, walnut, etc. The best whisky aros, the whisky is really low
key. I composted a small quantity of home blends I had in canning jars, that I'd done before I got the hang of putting together a pleasant home
mix, but those were combined from tobacco I would have gotten rid of otherwise. Not worth it with 965, Nat Sherman 536, LL-7 and tasty new
aros from Altadis on hand. If I get 1/3 into a bowl, and it's not good, I just don't continue. Even old codger Granger can give me a happy smoke.