I was looking at my lathe after the exchange of post with bentmike and think I can rig up something in the tool holder to do some wood carving.Might be a good job for my son-law.He's a much better metal fabricator than I am--and he has access to all the tools needed for it.Ejames, I use a jet 9x20 metal lathe to do all my turning and shaping. The cross slide and tool holder is easily removed from my lathe and I made a small tool rest that opts quickly in its place. But you can actually make something that will mount in the tool holder that will work. Many have done so. I sold my wood lathe as I can do anything I want to do on this lathe.
That's a real beauty, IMHO.-Fourth one is drift wood Found along Watts Bar Lake in Tennessee. That color is all natural with a little olive oil and carnuba wax for the finish and a 9 mm shell casing cut down with tube cutters.