Agree. Molto Dolce? One of the worst.
515RC1? Heaven on earth.
This is a really good response to illustrate the point.
I love Molto Dulce but don't particularly care for the 515. However I think you and I specifically can agree on our dislike of C&D Carolina Red Flake while many others here seem to enjoy it. To each his own.
I get bitten rather easily by certain red VAs for some reason so, flavor aside, I don't care for them much. One mentioned in this thread is WCC Simply Red. I like the flavor but I can't smoke much of it since it seems to simply kill my tongue. Now a red VA that is tempered with the much maligned "goopy PG", or perique, or latakia, is a different story. For whatever reason, some reds with added components don't literally sting like others do.
One of the things I liked about the 2019 Cringle Flake was the tangy-ness (and sweetness) without the bite.
From what I'm reading about the 2019 vs the 2020 is this(?):
2019: Straight VA with an attempt to amp up the fig/plum flavor with a flavoring (casing and/or topping)
2020: VA with an attempt to amp of the fig/plum flavor with perique
I should say I don't know if either is a deliberate attempt but perhaps more the happy results? Others who know much more than I might possibly be able to say.